

(Waterfall) J. R. Sullivan

Rhodora 115: 291. 2013.

Basionym: Physalis viscosa Linnaeus forma glabra Waterfall Rhodora 60: 135. 1958
Synonyms: P. walteri var. glabra (Waterfall) D. B. Ward
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.

Herbs glabrous except along leaf margins and calyx. Leaf blades narrowly spatulate to narrowly lanceolate. 2n = 24.

Phenology: Flowering year-round in areas without frost.
Habitat: Beach dunes, edges of pine woods, disturbed coastal areas in sand.
Elevation: 0 m.


Nothovariety glabra occurs along the Gulf Coast from Pinellas County southward. Leaf width can vary considerably on a single plant; populations in Monroe County (Big Pine Key, Little Pine Key, No-Name Key) tend to have at least a few stems that resemble Physalis angustifolia.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Glabra"
Janet R. Sullivan +
(Waterfall) J. R. Sullivan +
Physalis viscosa +
Beach dunes, edges of pine woods, disturbed coastal areas in sand. +
Flowering year-round in areas without frost. +
P. walteri var. glabra +
Physalis ×elliottii +
nothovariety +