Inflorescences monochasial cymes: dense, glomerulate. Pedicels 0–1.5 mm. Flowers: styles 2, equal; stigmas clavate, cylindric, or terete. Capsules: dehiscence circumscissile, interstylar aperture relatively small or inconspicuous. Seeds angled (2 flat faces and 1 convex), ellipsoid, ovoid, or subglobose; seed coat epidermis cells honeycombed when dry and papillate when wet.


Introduced; Europe, Asia, n Africa, Atlantic Islands, introduced also in Mexico, South America, s Africa, Australia.


Species 21 (4 in the flora).

Species of subgen. Cuscuta have holocentric chromosomes (B. Pazy and U. Plitmann 1994; M. A. García and S. Castroviejo 2003).

Selected References



1 Flowers 4(or 5)-merous; calyx lobe apices obtuse to truncate. Cuscuta europaea
1 Flowers 5-merous; calyx lobe apices acute to acuminate. > 2
2 Styles plus stigmas 0.5–1.1 mm, shorter than ovary; seeds usually connate in pairs; hosts: primarily Linum usitatissimum. Cuscuta epilinum
2 Styles plus stigmas 0.8–2.2 mm, equaling or longer than ovary; seeds not connate in pairs; hosts: primarily Medicago and Trifolium, sometimes other legumes and herbs from other families. > 3
3 Calyces golden yellow, cellular-reticulate, lobes each with a distal fleshy appendage. Cuscuta approximata
3 Calyces creamy white or purplish, not notably reticulate, lobes without distal fleshy appendages. Cuscuta epithymum
... more about "Cuscuta subg. Cuscuta"
Mihai Costea +  and Guy L. Nesom +
Linnaeus +
Europe +, Asia +, n Africa +, Atlantic Islands +, introduced also in Mexico +, South America +, s Africa +  and Australia. +
Cuscuta subg. Cuscuta +
subgenus +