in A. von Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 5(fol.): 114; 5(qto.): 147; plates 446–449. 1822.
Shrubs or trees [subshrubs]. Leaves eglandular; stipules intrapetiolar, distinct or partially [completely] connate. Inflorescences terminal, racemes [sometimes racemes of few-flowered cincinni]. Pedicels sessile [raised on short peduncles]. Flowers all chasmogamous, 6+ mm diam., showy with visible petals, stamens, and styles; calyx glands [0 or] 10 (sepals all 2-glandular); corollas bilaterally symmetric, petals white or pink, becoming red in age [light or medium yellow or red], glabrous [rarely hairy]; stamens 10, all fertile; anthers subequal; pistil 3-carpellate, carpels completely connate in ovary; styles 3, subulate, slender; stigmas terminal [slightly internal], minute. Fruits drupes, yellow or brownish [orange, red, purple, blue, or blue-black], stone 1, 3-locular, wall hard, smooth or rugose. x = 12.
Fla., Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America.
Species ca. 135 (1 in the flora).
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