Astragalus sect. Uliginosi

A. Gray

Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 6: 196. 1864.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, caulescent; from rootstock or creeping rhizomes. Hairs malpighian. Stems single or few. Stipules connate. Leaves odd-pinnate, short-petiolate or subsessile; leaflets (7 or)9–35. Racemes usually densely, rarely loosely flowered, flowers spreading-declined or nodding. Calyx tubes short-cylindric or deeply campanulate. Corollas ochroleucous, greenish white, or stramineous, banner recurved through 40–90°, keel apex obtuse. Legumes persistent, sessile or subsessile, erect or narrowly ascending, cylindroid or oblong, terete or slightly obcompressed, straight or incurved, bilocular. Seeds (16–)18–28.


North America, e Asia.


Species 10 (2 in the flora).

Section Uliginosi consists of eight species from eastern Asia and two from North America.

Selected References
