Astragalus sect. Tweedyani


Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 309. 1964.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, caulescent; caudex shallowly subterranean. Hairs basifixed. Stems few. Stipules distinct. Leaves odd-pinnate, short-petiolate or subsessile; leaflets (7–)11–23. Racemes compactly flowered early, flowers nodding. Calyx tubes broadly cylindric or deeply campanulate. Corollas ochroleucous, banner recurved through 45°, keel apex obtuse. Legumes persistent, stipitate, erect or incurved-ascending, oblong-ellipsoid, somewhat laterally compressed, with protruding sutures, unilocular. Seeds 6–8.


nw United States.


Species 1.

Section Tweedyani is distributed in the lower Columbia Valley in northern Oregon and adjacent Washington.

Selected References


Lower Taxa