Astragalus sect. Polares

(Rydberg) Barneby

Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 370. 1964.

Basionym: Phaca sect. Polares Rydberg in N. L. Britton et al. N. Amer. Fl. 24: 349. 1929
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, caulescent; caudex superficial or subterranean. Hairs basifixed. Stems few or several to many. Stipules connate or distinct at distal nodes. Leaves odd-pinnate, petiolate or subsessile; leaflets 7–17(or 19). Racemes sometimes subumbellate, compactly or loosely flowered, flowers ascending or spreading. Calyx tubes campanulate. Corollas usually pink-purple, rarely white, banner recurved through 40–45°, keel apex obtuse. Legumes deciduous, sessile on a slightly elevated receptacle, spreading or ascending and humistrate, obliquely ovoid, moderately to greatly inflated, ± laterally compressed or 3-sided, unilocular. Seeds 2–17.


North America, Asia (Siberia).


Species 2 (2 in the flora).

Section Polares consists of mesophytic species distributed from Alaska to Newfoundland, southward to Utah, New Mexico, and Nebraska. M. Lavin and H. Marriott (1997) realigned Astragalus molybdenus of the monospecific sect. Minerales, placing it within sect. Polares, a proposal with considerable merit, but not followed here (see discussions under 5. A. molybdenus).

Selected References
