Astragalus sect. Knightiani

S. L. Welsh

N. Amer. Sp. Astragalus, 154. 2007.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, low, tuft-forming, shortly caulescent or subacaulescent; caudex superficial. Hairs malpighian, incipiently malpighian, or basifixed. Stems few to many. Stipules connate or distinct at distal nodes. Leaves odd-pinnate, often shorter than distal racemes, petiolate; leaflets 7–15. Racemes not especially dimorphic, proximal ones subradical, often 1-flowered, distal ones loosely 2–10(–14)-flowered, flowers ascending then declined. Calyx tubes campanulate. Corollas whitish or violet-tinged, banner recurved through 45–80°, keel apex incurved, obtuse. Legumes persistent or ultimately deciduous, gynophore present, 0.3–1 mm, pendulous, spreading, or humistrate, narrowly ellipsoid or obovoid-ellipsoid, straight, unilocular. Seeds 8–18.


Species 3 (3 in the flora).

Section Knightiani consists of New Mexico endemics that are distinguished by small but tangible differences.

Selected References
