Astragalus sect. Hemiphaca

Karelin & Kirilov

Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15: 329. 1842.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, caulescent; caudex superficial or shallowly buried. Hairs basifixed. Stems few to several. Stipules connate at proximal nodes, distinct at distal nodes. Leaves odd-pinnate, short-petiolate; leaflets 9–17. Racemes compactly flowered, flowers initially ascending then nodding. Calyx tubes campanulate. Corollas yellowish, keel purple-tipped, banner recurved through 30–45°, wing apex emarginate or bidentate, keel apex obtuse. Legumes deciduous, short gynophore present, erect-ascending, sessile, ovoid-ellipsoid, swollen but not bladdery, keeled ventrally, dorsally grooved, bilocular in proximal 1/2. Seeds 6–8.


nw North America, Asia.


Species 46 (1 in the flora).

Plants mainly of montane, central Asia, and one in Alaska and upper Yukon River in Yukon.

Section Hemiphaca has been considered as synonymous with sect. Oroboidei (D. Podlech and S. Zarre 2013).

Selected References
