Astragalus sect. Drummondiani
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 489. 1964.
Herbs perennial, forming bushy clumps, caulescent; caudex superficial to shallowly subterranean. Hairs basifixed. Stems several to many. Stipules distinct or connate at proximal nodes. Leaves odd-pinnate, usually subsessile; leaflets (13–)17–33. Racemes loosely flowered, flowers nodding. Calyx tubes deeply campanulate, often slightly swollen, oblique proximally. Corollas white to ochroleucous, keel apex purple, banner recurved through 45°, keel apex deltate. Legumes persistent or ultimately deciduous, continuous with receptacle, stipitate, pendulous, narrowly oblong to oblanceoloid, straight or incurved or decurved, obscurely 3-sided compressed, with convex lateral and grooved dorsal faces, ± bilocular. Seeds 14–30.
w North America.
Species 1.
Section Drummondiani is distributed from southeastern British Columbia to Saskatchewan southward through Montana, western North Dakota, western South Dakota, eastern Idaho, Wyoming, western Nebraska, and Colorado to northern New Mexico and disjunctly westward to Utah.
Selected References