Astragalus sect. Densifolii
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 801. 1964.
Herbs perennial, stems often fistulose, caulescent; caudex usually superficial, rarely subterranean. Hairs basifixed. Stems several to many. Stipules connate or distinct at distal nodes (except A. pomonensis ± distinct throughout). Leaves odd-pinnate, subsessile to petiolate; leaflets (11–)17–43. Racemes usually densely flowered, flowers horizontal, declined, or nodding, sometimes retrorsely imbricate. Calyx tubes campanulate or cylindric, sometimes gibbous proximally. Corollas greenish white, cream, or ochroleucous, keel apex sometimes faintly lilac-tipped, banner recurved through 35–50°, keel apex obtuse. Legumes eventually deciduous, sessile, gynophore sometimes present, loosely ascending, spreading, or declined, obliquely ovoid, semi-ovoid, ovoid-lenticular, obovoid, rhombic-ellipsoid, or ovoid-ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved, usually bladdery inflated, sometimes barely inflated, or laterally or dorsiventrally compressed, unilocular. Seeds (2 or)3–12 or 12–55.
California, nw Mexico.
Species 5 (5 in the flora).
Section Densifolii is complex, composed of three subsections. Distribution is mainly in or near coastal central to southern California and Baja California.
The subsections are: subsect. Crotalarii M. E. Jones (Astragalus curtipes, A. nuttallii, A. pomonensis); subsect. Pycnostachyi (Rydberg) Barneby (A. pycnostachyus); and subsect. Oxyphysi (M. E. Jones) Barneby (A. oxyphysus).
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