Astragalus sect. Brauntoniani

(Rydberg) Barneby

Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 13: 1119. 1964.

Basionym: Brachyphragma N. Amer. Fl. 24: 399. 1929
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, caulescent; caudex superficial, trunklike. Hairs basifixed. Stems several to many. Stipules distinct. Leaves odd-pinnate, short-petiolate or subsessile; leaflets 25–33. Racemes densely flowered, flowers retrorsely imbricate. Calyx tubes ovoid-campanulate. Corollas pink-purple, banner recurved through 40°, keel apex round. Legumes deciduous, sessile, short gynophore present, deflexed, oblong to plumply lanceoloid-oblong, bluntly 3-sided compressed, straight or gently incurved, bilocular, separating into halves but held in place by invested calyx. Seeds 6–9.


Species 1.

Selected References
