Amsonia peeblesii


Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 63: 35. 1936.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.

Stems erect from vertical taproot, (15–)20–58(–90) cm, glabrous; branches often borne below midpoint of stem as well as distally, uppermost often exceeding infructescence, often terminated by small inflores­cences. Leaves: petiole 0–1.2 mm, glabrous; blades moder­ately heteromorphic; stem leaf blades ligulate to narrowly oblong-elliptic or narrowly lanceolate, 3.2–7.3(–9.3) cm × 3–7(–9) mm, margins entire, not (slightly) revolute, not ciliate, apex acute, surfaces glabrous; branch leaf blades linear to very narrowly oblong or lanceolate, 4.1–6.4(–7.4) cm × 1–4(–7) mm. Flowers: sepals narrowly deltate (subulate), (2–)3–6(–9.5) mm; corolla tube purplish blue to greenish, darker and more bluish proximally, (13–)14–17(–19) mm, lobes white, (5–)7–9(–10) mm, outer surface of corolla glabrous. Follicles erect, (2–)3–7(–10) cm × (2.5–)3–4 mm, apex acuminate, glabrous. Seeds (5–)7–11 × 1.5–2.5 mm. 2n = 22.

Phenology: Flowering spring–early summer; fruiting summer.
Habitat: Ridge tops, valleys, washes and draws, often on sand or sandstone.
Elevation: 1300–1700 m.


Amsonia peeblesii generally resembles narrower-leaved, glabrous forms of A. palmeri. The stems of A. peeblesii are much more often branched below the midpoint, and the flowers are usually larger; the dis­tribution of A. peeblesii is narrower and more northerly, whereas A. palmeri is largely found in southern and western portions of Arizona.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Amsonia peeblesii"
Linh Tõ Ngô +  and Wendy L. Applequist +
Woodson +
Amsonia sect. Sphinctosiphon +
1300–1700 m. +
Ridge tops, valleys, washes and draws, often on sand or sandstone. +
Flowering spring–early summer +  and fruiting summer. +
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club +
Amsonia peeblesii +
Amsonia subg. Sphinctosiphon +
species +