
G. L. Nesom

Phytologia 77: 250. 1995.

Etymology: Greek ampelos, vine, alluding to habit, and generic name Aster
Basionym: Aster sect. Sagittiferi A. Gray in A. Gray et al., Syn. Fl. N. Amer. 1(2): 179. 1884
Synonyms: Aster sect. Caroliniani Small Lasallea subsect. Carolinianae (Small) Semple & Brouillet Virgulus sect. Sagittiferi (A. Gray) Reveal & Keener
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 460. Mentioned on page 5, 458, 459, 466.

Shrubs, 100–400 cm (clambering, sprawling, or vinelike, deciduous or evergreen by production of new growth; sometimes clonal by adventitious roots on branches in contact with soil, these becoming separated). Stems scandent, widely and diffusely branched, sparsely to densely short-pilose or hirsute, especially distally, eglandular. Leaves cauline; alternate; sessile; blades 1-nerved, elliptic or oblanceolate to lanceolate or ovate, margins entire, faces sparsely to moderately pilose. Heads radiate, in paniculiform arrays. Involucres turbino-campanulate, 8–12 × 8.5–21 mm. Phyllaries 30–50, in 5–6 series, spreading to reflexed, 1-nerved (midnerves ± raised, especially proximally, ± translucent yellow-brown to golden brown, less prominent distally; ± flat), outer linear-lanceolate to spatulate, inner linear-attenuate, strongly unequal, proximally whitish, herbaceous distally (green zone restricted to apical 1/4 or less), margins hyaline proximally (sometimes reddish), abaxial faces sparsely to moderately pilose. Receptacles flat to slightly rounded, pitted (margins irregular), epaleate. Ray florets 30–50(–70), pistillate, fertile; corollas pale rose-purple to pale pink. Disc florets 30–50, bisexual, fertile; corollas yellow becoming rose-purple, weakly ampliate, tubes shorter than narrowly cylindro-campanulate throats, lobes 5, erect, triangular; style-branch appendages narrowly triangular. Cypselae narrowly cylindric to fusiform, not compressed, 9–12-ribbed (whitish, raised), faces glabrous; pappi persistent, of 30–45, light stramineous to faintly rust-orange, barbellate bristles in 2(–3) series (outermost of 0–5 midlength attenuate bristles, outer of long, distally attenuate ones, slightly shorter than inner weakly clavate ones). x = 9.


se United States.


Species 1.

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... more about "Ampelaster"
John C. Semple +
G. L. Nesom +
Aster sect. Sagittiferi +
se United States. +
Greek ampelos, vine, alluding to habit, and generic name Aster +
Aster sect. Caroliniani +, Lasallea subsect. Carolinianae +  and Virgulus sect. Sagittiferi +
Ampelaster +
Asteraceae tribe Astereae +