Shrubs, (0.7–)1–3(–4) m; arising from compact, woody root. Stems smooth, often with spinelike glands, mostly short-pilose to puberulent, glabrate, or glabrous. Leaves (5–)10–20 cm; stipules linear to narrowly oblong, (2–)4–6 mm; petiole (7–)10–15(–25) mm, glands spinelike, scattered, puberulent or glabrous; rachis glands spinelike, puberulent to short-pilose; leaflets (11–)13–19(–25), stipels acicular, 1–1.5 mm, petiolule 0.7–1.5(–1.8) mm, gland-dotted, pilosulous or glabrous, blade mostly oblong, (8–)15–25(–42) × (6–)10–15(–20) mm, base round to subcordate, margins not revolute, entire or finely crenulate, apex round to obtuse or emarginate, surfaces puberulent to short-pilose or glabrous; midveins terminated by a swollen, globose mucro, 0.2–0.5 mm. Racemes unbranched, (5–)10–18(–25) cm; rachis often with spinelike glands, pilose; bracteoles linear to lanceolate, 1.5–4 mm, usually gland-dotted, sometimes eglandular, short-pilose. Pedicels 0.3–1.2 mm, eglandular, mostly puberulent to short-pilose. Flowers: calyx tube narrowly cylindric to funnelform, 2–2.8 mm, distal 1/2 sometimes gland-dotted, puberulent, short-pilose, or glabrous; lobes triangular to narrowly lanceolate, 0.4–2(–2.5) mm; banner reddish purple, broadly obovate, 5–7 × 2.5–4 mm, indistinctly clawed, margins entire; filaments 6–7 mm, connate basally 2–3.2 mm; anthers pale yellow; ovary mostly densely short-pilose. Legumes sessile, 6–8 × 2.5–3.5 mm, margins curved outward abaxially, straight adaxially, at least distal 1/2 gland-dotted, mostly short-pilose. Seeds olive brown or reddish brown, 3–4 × 1.5–2 mm, smooth.
w United States, nw Mexico.
Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).
Selected References
1 | Shrubs mostly short-pilose or puberulent; calyx tubes puberulent to short-pilose, lobes (0.8–)1–. | > 2 |
2 | 5) mm. | Amorpha californica var. californica |
1 | Shrubs glabrous or glabrate; calyx tubes glabrous or sparsely short-pilose, lobes 0.4–0.8(–1) mm. | Amorpha californica var. napensis |