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Pages in category "Shape"
The following 126 pages are in this category, out of 126 total.
- Property:Abaxial and lateral central spine course
- Property:Abaxial central spine course
- Property:Abaxial margin course
- Property:Abaxial spine course
- Property:Adaxial central spine course
- Property:Adaxial margin course
- Property:Apex course
- Property:Apophysis course
- Property:Areole course
- Property:Auricle course
- Property:Axis course
- Property:Calyx course
- Property:Capsule course
- Property:Catkin course
- Property:Cell course
- Property:Cell margin course
- Property:Cell-wall course
- Property:Central pinna course
- Property:Central spine course
- Property:Claw course
- Property:Coat course
- Property:Costa course
- Property:Crest course
- Property:Crossvein course
- Property:Larger pinna course
- Property:Larger spine course
- Property:Largest spine course
- Property:Leaf course
- Property:Longer spine course
- Property:Longest adaxial central spine course
- Property:Longest central abaxial spine course
- Property:Longest central spine course
- Property:Longest prickle course
- Property:Longest spine course
- Property:Papilla course
- Property:Pedicel course
- Property:Peduncle course
- Property:Petal course
- Property:Petiole course
- Property:Pinna costa course
- Property:Pinna course
- Property:Pinnule course
- Property:Plant course
- Property:Prickle course
- Property:Primary shoot course
- Property:Primary-vein course
- Property:Principal central spine course
- Property:Projection course
- Property:Proximal pinna course
- Property:Proximal portion course
- Property:Proximal tooth course
- Property:Scale course
- Property:Scape course
- Property:Secondary spine course
- Property:Secondary-vein course
- Property:Seed course
- Property:Seed-cone course
- Property:Segment course
- Property:Sepal course
- Property:Side course
- Property:Sorus course
- Property:Spine course
- Property:Spur course
- Property:Stalk course
- Property:Stamen course
- Property:Stem course
- Property:Stem segment course
- Property:Stem-leaf course
- Property:Stigma course
- Property:Stipe course
- Property:Style course
- Property:Subcentral spine course
- Property:Subshrub course