Calystegia occidentalis subsp. occidentalis

Synonyms: Calystegia malacophylla subsp. tomentella (Greene) Munz C. occidentalis var. tomentella (Greene) Brummitt C. polymorpha (Greene) Munz Convolvulus occidentalis subsp. fruticetorum (Greene) Abrams C. polymorphus Greene C. tomentellus Greene
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.

Peduncles (1–)2–4-flowered. Bracts (1–)3–7 mm distant from sepals, usually linear to linear-elliptic or linear-oblong, sometimes oblanceolate, 4–13(–18) × 1–4(–5) mm, margins entire.

Phenology: Flowering (Apr–)May–Aug(–Sep).
Habitat: Dry slopes, grassy, shrubby, rocky sites, conifer forests.
Elevation: (10–)30–1200(–1900) m.


Plants with tomentellous to ± villous herbage from northern and southern Sierra Nevada, Greenhorn Mountains, and Mt. Pinos included here in subsp. occidentalis have been called Calystegia occidentalis var. tomentella, Convolvulus tomentellus, or Calystegia malacophylla subsp. tomentella.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

Richard K. Brummitt† +
(A. Gray) Brummitt +
Convolvulus occidentalis +
Calif. +  and Oreg. +
(10–)30–1200(–1900) m. +
Dry slopes, grassy, shrubby, rocky sites, conifer forests. +
Flowering (Apr–)May–Aug(–Sep). +
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. +
Weedy +  and Endemic +
Calystegia malacophylla subsp. tomentella +, C. occidentalis var. tomentella +, C. polymorpha +, Convolvulus occidentalis subsp. fruticetorum +, C. polymorphus +  and C. tomentellus +
Calystegia occidentalis subsp. occidentalis +
Calystegia occidentalis +
subspecies +