Hypnum jutlandicum

Holmen & E. Warncke

Bot. Tidsskr. 65: 179. 1969.

Selected by author to be illustrated
Basionym: Hypnum cupressiforme var. ericetorum Schimper
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 543. Mentioned on page 534.
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Plants small to medium-sized, pale green. Stems 4–10 cm, yellowish green to pale brown, creeping, ascending, or erect, strongly complanate-foliate, densely to sparsely pinnate, branches 0.4–0.7+ cm; hyalodermis absent, central strand weak; pseudoparaphyllia filamentous to lanceolate, occasionally 2-fid. Leaves loosely imbricate, straight to falcate-secund, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, gradually narrowed to apex, 1.7–2.2(–2.5) × 0.6–0.8(–0.9) mm; base not decurrent, not auriculate; margins plane or recurved basally, usually markedly serrulate distally; acumen short; costa double and short or indistinct; alar region not well defined; proximal cells somewhat enlarged and somewhat decurrent at extreme marginal cell; basal laminal cells shorter, broader than medial cells, light yellow or unpigmented, walls often porose; medial cells (60–)70–90(–100) × 3 µm. Sexual condition dioicous; inner perichaetial leaves oblong-lanceolate, margins distinctly serrulate in apex, costa indistinct. Sporophytes unknown in North America.

Habitat: Terrestrial
Elevation: low to moderate elevations (0-500 m)


V28 843-distribution-map.gif

Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.), N.S., Europe, Atlantic Islands (Azores).


Hypnum jutlandicum is largely an amphi-Atlantic species that may occur in Alaska. The pale yellowish green, glossy, pinnate plants are very distinctive; they might be confused with H. imponens, but H. jutlandicum has yellow rather than red-brown stems and golden yellow rather than pale yellow leaves. The pseudoparaphyllia of H. imponens are more broadly foliose than the nearly filiform ones of H. jutlandicum. Distinction from H. cupressiforme is less apparent, but the usually more complanate pale green plants of H. jutlandicum are usually sufficient to separate it. Plants of H. jutlandicum have branches emerging in a horizontal plane; the pseudoparaphyllia are terminated by a 1-seriate tip of several elongate cells; the alar cells are usually strongly excavate and sometimes brown; and the distal laminal cells are subquadrate and 3–5(–7) along the margin.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Hypnum jutlandicum"
Wilfred B. Schofield† +
Holmen & E. Warncke +
Hypnum cupressiforme var. ericetorum +
Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.) +, N.S. +, Europe +  and Atlantic Islands (Azores). +
low to moderate elevations (0-500 m) +
Terrestrial +
Bot. Tidsskr. +
Selected by author to be illustrated +
Breidleria +, Drepanium +, Pseudostereodon +  and Stereodon +
Hypnum jutlandicum +
species +