Boykinia rotundifolia
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 13: 371. 1878,.
Plants: rhizomes proliferating underground. Flowering stems (30–)50–80(–130) cm. Basal leaves: petiole 5–22 cm; blade usually orbiculate-cordate, sometimes reniform, shallowly and indistinctly lobed, (3.5–)7–16 × (4–)9–18 cm, margins 2–3-times serrate. Cauline leaves: stipules 1–2 mm expansions of petiole base, fringed with brown hairs. Inflorescences ± pyramidal, (10–)15–25-flowered per primary branch. Pedicels densely stipitate-glandular. Flowers: hypanthium campanulate, free portion 1–2 mm, densely stipitate-glandular; sepals erect, triangular to lanceolate, 1.5–2 mm, apex acute; petals narrowly spatulate, 2–3 × 1 mm, shorter than or to 1.5 times as long as sepals, base tapered to claw, margins plane; nectary green; stamens 1.2–1.6 mm; ovary 2/3 inferior. Capsules ovoid, turbinate, or urceolate. Seeds usually black, tuberculate. 2n = 14.
Phenology: Flowering early-mid summer.
Habitat: Damp woodlands, margins of lakes, ponds, and watercourses, often on disturbed soil, trailsides, mudslides
Elevation: 800-2000 m

Calif., Mexico (Baja California).
The record of Boykinia rotundifolia from “Lower California” (Williamson, 20 July 1901, PH) is the only collection seen from Mexico. The species is occasionally grown in gardens.
Selected References