Seligeria acutifolia
in C. Hartman, Handb. Skand. Fl. ed. 9, 2: 75. 1864,.
Plants delicate, light green. Leaves broadly linear to lanceolate, shortly subulate from broad base, acute; costae percurrent; margins entire; leaf cells (1–)3:1; perichaetial leaves subulate from sheathing base, abruptly differentiated. Seta 1–1.5 mm, straight, stout. Capsule hemispheric to broadly ovate, as long as broad, widest at mouth, peristome of 16 well-developed teeth; columella immersed. Spores 12–14 µm.
Habitat: Calcareous substrates

B.C., Alaska, Europe, Asia.
Seligeria acutifolia is known from only a few localities along the hyperoceanic West Coast. It differs from similar species in having sharply differentiated perichaetial leaves and a short, stout seta. The capsules are usually shortly exserted or sometimes emergent.
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