Zephyranthes simpsonii
Fl. South. U.S. ed. 2 repr. 2, 696. 1892.
Leaf blade dull green, to 4 mm wide. Spathe (1.7–)2–4(–4.2) cm. Flowers erect; perianth mostly white proximally, often strongly infused pink or purple distally, more so with age, funnelform, (4–)4.3–8.5(–10) cm; perianth tube green, (1.4–)1.6–3.3(–4) cm, increasing in diam., ca. 1/3 or more perianth length, ± equaling or seldom less than (3/4–11/4) filament length, ± equaling (2/3–11/4) spathe length; tepals slightly diverging, rarely reflexed; stamens diverging, appearing equal; filaments filiform, (1.5–)1.6–3(–3.2) cm; anthers 3–6(–8) mm; style longer than perianth tube; stigma 3-fid, usually among or below anthers, rarely exserted more than 1 mm beyond anthers; pedicel absent or to 0.6(–1.5) cm and shorter than spathe. 2n = 48.
Phenology: Flowering late winter–spring (Feb–May).
Habitat: Peaty-sandy soil, coastal plains, rarely piedmont
Elevation: 0–100 m
![V26 575-distribution-map.jpg](/w/images/2/28/V26_575-distribution-map.jpg)
Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., N.C., S.C.
Of conservation concern.
Although the perianth of Zephyranthes simpsonii was originally described as pale pink, white forms are quite common. Any of the North American white-flowered species of Zephyranthes may be variously flushed with pink, increasingly so with age.
Selected References