

Bradea 2: 196. 1977.

Etymology: Greek platy, broad, and thely(s) , woman, alluding to the broad, flat rostellum
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 517. Mentioned on page 497.
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Herbs, terrestrial. Roots few, from nodes, villous. Stems elongate, terminal shoots ascending. Leaves cauline, petiolate, not articulate. Inflorescences terminal, racemes, pedunculate. Flowers resupinate, erect to somewhat spreading, small; sepals subsimilar, distinct and free, margins entire; petals connivent with sepals; lip 2-parted, fleshy, base spurred, ventricose, hemispheric, concave, margins notched, apex ± spreading to arcuate, rough; column subsessile, cuneate; stigmas 2, approximate, horizontal; rostellum flat, elliptic to suborbiculate, broad, apex notched to 2-denticulate, generally bursting; viscidium small; anther erect; pollinia sectile, attached to short caudicles; ovary short-pedicellate. Fruits capsules, ellipsoid to nearly cylindric.


Subtropics and tropics, North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America.


Species 9 (1 in the flora).

... more about "Platythelys"
James D. Ackerman +
Subtropics and tropics +, North America +, Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +  and South America. +
Greek platy, broad, and thely(s) , woman, alluding to the broad, flat rostellum +
garay1977a +
Platythelys +
Orchidaceae (tribe Cranichideae) subtribe Goodyerinae +