subgenusPenstemon subg. Penstemon
sectionPenstemon sect. Penstemon
speciesPenstemon procerus
Penstemon procerus var. aberrans
Bot. Gaz. 54: 146. 1912.
Basionym: Penstemon confertus var. aberrans M. E. Jones Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 5: 715. 1895
Synonyms: P. procerus subsp. aberrans (M. E. Jones) D. D. Keck
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Stems 10–35(–42) cm. Leaves: basal and proximal cauline (13–)30–60 × (2–)4–13 mm; cauline 14–48 × 2–11 mm, blade lanceolate, proximals sometimes obovate. Thyrses 2–14 cm, verticillasters 2–6. Flowers: calyx lobes (1.4–)1.8–3 × 0.9–1.2 mm, apex acute to acuminate or short-caudate; corolla 7–10 mm; pollen sacs 0.3–0.4 mm; staminode: distal 0.5–0.8 mm densely pilose, hairs yellow or golden yellow, to 0.5 mm. 2n = 16.
Phenology: Flowering Jul–Aug.
Habitat: Sagebrush shrublands, meadows, clearings in spruce-fir, pine, and aspen woodlands.
Elevation: 2200–3400 m.
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Variety aberrans is known from the Utah Plateau from Soldier Summit of the Wasatch Plateau to the Aquarius and Tushar plateaus.
Selected References
Lower Taxa