Echinocereus fasciculatus

(Engelmann ex S. Watson) L. D. Benson

Cacti Arizona ed. 3, 21. 1969.

Basionym: Mammillaria fasciculata Engelmann ex S. Watson Smithsonian Misc. Collect. 258: 118. 1878
Synonyms: Echinocereus engelmannii subsp. fasciculatus (Engelmann ex S. Watson) Blume & Mich. Lange Echinocereus fasciculatus va r. boyce-thompsonii (Orcutt) L. D. Benson Echinocereus fendleri var. robustus (Peebles) L. D. Benson Echinocereus rectispinus var. robustus Peebles
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 165. Mentioned on page 161, 164.
Revision as of 21:39, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Plants 5–30-branched, forming somewhat open clumps. Stems mostly erect, cylindric, (5–)10–40 × 4.5–8 cm; ribs 10–15, crests slightly undulate; areoles 10–15 mm apart. Spines 8–16 per areole, usually straight, individual spines with broad zones of different colors: yellowish, reddish brown, or gray to black, or white to black, becoming gray; radial spines 7–15 per areole, 5–15 mm; central spines 1–3 per areole, divergent-porrect, 15–75 mm, all terete. Flowers 6–10 × 8–10 cm; flower tube 10–20 × 15–40 mm; flower tube hairs 2.3–4 mm; inner tepals rose-pink to magenta [rarely nearly white], with midstripes darker, darker magenta or sometimes purplish maroon near base, (20–)35–52 × 12–20 mm, tips relatively thin and delicate; anthers yellow; nectar chamber 3.3–5 mm. Fruits bright red or orange-red, 20–30 mm, pulp white or sometimes pink. 2n = 44.

Phenology: Flowering Mar–Jun; fruiting May–Jul.
Habitat: Sonoran Desert, flats to steep canyonsides, desert scrub, semidesert grasslands, interior chaparral
Elevation: [30-]600-1000(-1500) m


New Mexico records of Echinocereus fasciculatus are at least in part based on vigorous old plants of E. fendleri, which sometimes have 1–2 short supplementary central spines (and which appear very different from younger plants in the same populations). Echinocereus fasciculatus may prove to intergrade clinally with E. engelmannii var. acicularis wherever their geographic ranges approach each other. At its upper altitudinal limit, E. fasciculatus tends to have shorter spines, fewer central spines, shorter stems, and more compact growth habit.

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Allan D. Zimmerman +  and Bruce D. Parfitt +
(Engelmann ex S. Watson) L. D. Benson +
Mammillaria fasciculata +
Ariz. +  and Mexico (Sonora). +
[30-]600-1000(-1500) m +
Sonoran Desert, flats to steep canyonsides, desert scrub, semidesert grasslands, interior chaparral +
Flowering Mar–Jun +  and fruiting May–Jul. +
Cacti Arizona ed. +
Echinocereus engelmannii subsp. fasciculatus +, Echinocereus fasciculatus +, Echinocereus fendleri var. robustus +  and Echinocereus rectispinus var. robustus +
Echinocereus fasciculatus +
Echinocereus +
species +