Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3, 1: 379. 1844.
Vines, to 600+ cm (perennating bases unknown; herbage glabrous). Stems usually 1, scrambling and twining (branched). Leaves cauline; alternate; petiolate; blades palmately nerved, polygonal to ± orbiculate (bases often cordate), margins dentate, faces glabrous. Heads discoid, in corymbiform arrays (terminal or from axils of distal leaves). Calyculi of 1–4(–5) bractlets. Involucres cylindric to weakly turbinate, 2–4 mm diam. Phyllaries persistent, (7–)8+ in 1–2 series, erect, distinct (margins interlocking), lance-linear, ± equal, margins scarious (apices green or yellowish green). Receptacles convex, ± foveolate (socket margins often membranous), epaleate. Ray florets 0. Disc florets 8–25, bisexual, fertile; corollas pale yellow, tubes shorter than campanulate to funnelform throats, lobes 5, recurved, lance-deltate to lanceolate; style branches stigmatic in 2 lines, apices ± truncate (appendages essentially 0). Cypselae ± prismatic, 5-angled, glabrous; pappi readily falling or fragile, of 40–60(–100+), white, barbellulate bristles. x = 10.
South Africa, introduced, Australia.
Species 1.
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