Mimulus ringens


Sp. Pl. 2: 634. 1753.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 367. Mentioned on page 6, 368, 369.
Revision as of 20:07, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Stems ascending to erect, not or narrowly winged on angles, (20–)40–130 cm. Leaves sessile; blade oblanceolate to narrowly oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, 25–80(–150) × 6–20(–35) mm, base auriculate-clasping or subclasping, margins bluntly serrate to shallowly crenulate, apex acute. Fruiting pedicels 10–17 or 20–45(–60) mm, longer than calyces. Calyces cylindric, 8–16(–20) mm, lobes triangular, 1.5–6 mm, apex acute to subulate or aristate, ciliolate. Corollas purplish blue to light blue or pinkish or nearly white, tube 20–30(–35) mm, throats nearly closed, palate puberulent. Capsules ovoid, 10–12 mm. 2n = 16, 24.


North America, introduced in w Europe.


Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Leaf blades 50–150 mm, internodes 30–70 mm; fruiting pedicels 20–45(–60) mm; calyces 10–16(–20) mm, lobes 2–6 mm; moist to wet habitats in w, e North America. Mimulus ringens var. ringens
1 Leaf blades 25–50 mm, internodes 15–25 mm; fruiting pedicels 10–17 mm; calyces 8–10 mm, lobes 1.5–2 mm; freshwater tidal wetlands of Quebec, Maine, Vermont. Mimulus ringens var. colpophilus