Suaeda sect. Schanginia
in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 79[III,1a]: 80. 1893.
Herbs, annual, glabrous. Leaves sessile, ± flat, cross sections of fresh leaves ± uniformly green when seen at 10× magnification. Inflorescences: glomes on short branchlets, partially fused to and appearing to arise from bracts; bracteoles subtending glomes without marginal hairs. Flowers bisexual or pistillate; perianth actinomorphic, to ± irregular, globose to longer than wide; perianth segments connate proximally to ± completely, succulent; ovary subglobose; stigmas 2–3, arising from apex of ovary, filiform, ± smooth. Seeds vertical, dimorphic, subglobose with black, hard, papillate seed coat, or strongly flattened and coiled with brown, membranaceous, dull seed coat.
Eurasia, also introduced in Australia.
Species ca. 3 (1 in the flora).
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