Allium tolmiei var. tolmiei

Synonyms: Allium anceps var. aberrans (Baker) Traub Allium cusickii S. Watson Allium douglasii var. tolmiei (Tidestrom) Ownbey Allium idahoense Tidestrom Allium platyphyllum S. Watson Allium pleianthum unknown Allium tolmiei var. platyphyllum unknown
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 272. Mentioned on page 271.
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Bulbs ovoid, not rhizomatous or oblique, forming 1–2 short rhizomes terminated by new bulbs. Leaves forming abcission layer at soil level, deciduous with scape after seeds mature or frequently breaking at that level after pressing; blade 10–35 cm. Scape deciduous, strongly flattened, winged, 5–28 cm. Umbel 10–40-flowered; spathe bracts 2. Flowers 6–12 mm; tepals erect to ± spreading, apex acute to acuminate; stamens included, 1/2–3/4 tepals; ovary crestless or obscurely to prominently crested; processes 3 or 6; pedicel 5–25 mm. 2n = 14, 28.

Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jul.
Habitat: Rocky, gravelly, or clay soils, mountains and scablands
Elevation: 400–2800 m


V26 515-distribution-map.jpg

Calif., Idaho, Oreg., Wash.


Selected References


Lower Taxa

Dale W. McNeal Jr. +  and T. D. Jacobsen +
unknown +
Calif. +, Idaho +, Oreg. +  and Wash. +
400–2800 m +
Rocky, gravelly, or clay soils, mountains and scablands +
Flowering Apr–Jul. +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
Allium anceps var. aberrans +, Allium cusickii +, Allium douglasii var. tolmiei +, Allium idahoense +, Allium platyphyllum +, Allium pleianthum +  and Allium tolmiei var. platyphyllum +
Allium tolmiei var. tolmiei +
Allium tolmiei +
variety +