Ribes sanguineum var. sanguineum

Synonyms: Ribes sanguineum var. deductum (Greene) Jepson Ribes sanguineum var. melanocarpum unknown
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 21.
Revision as of 19:05, 18 September 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Leaf blades moderately thick, base subtruncate, surfaces whitish-tomentose abaxially, puberulent adaxially. Racemes erect to stiffly spreading or ascending, 5–15(–20)-flowered, 5–7 cm. Flowers: hypanthium white, pink, or red, tubular, 3–6 mm; sepals spreading, red, ovate-elliptic to oblong or oblanceolate; petals not or nearly connivent, white to red, obovate-spatulate; stamens shorter than petals; ovary crisped-puberulent, strongly stipitate-glandular; styles glabrous or with scattered, stipitate glands at base. Berries globose, 7–9 mm, stipitate-glandular.

Phenology: Flowering Feb–Jul.
Habitat: Open forests, rocky slopes, clearings, roadsides, wooded valleys and mountains
Elevation: 1300-2400 m


V8 28-distribution-map.gif

B.C., Calif., Idaho, Oreg., Wash., introduced in c Europe.


Selected References


Lower Taxa

Nancy R. Morin +
unknown +
B.C. +, Calif. +, Idaho +, Oreg. +, Wash. +  and introduced in c Europe. +
1300-2400 m +
Open forests, rocky slopes, clearings, roadsides, wooded valleys and mountains +
Flowering Feb–Jul. +
Fl. Amer. Sept. +
Ribes sanguineum var. deductum +  and Ribes sanguineum var. melanocarpum +
Ribes sanguineum var. sanguineum +
Ribes sanguineum +
variety +