Show Lower Taxa
Hist. Pl. Guiane 1: 298, plate 117. 1775.
Etymology: Common name in Guiana
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Herbs [shrubs], hairs porrect-stellate and simple, seldom absent, glandular hairs absent [present]. Leaves petiolate or sessile, without nectaries; stipules reduced or absent. Inflorescences axillary; peduncle free; prophylls inconspicuous. Pedicels articulate. Flowers distylous [homostylous]; sepals 1/5–1/2 connate; petals yellow or whitish; corona inserted at throat on sepals and petals, annular, fimbriate; filaments often with nectaries; anthers dorsifixed. Capsules smooth [granulate/tuberculate]. Seeds straight [curved], reticulate; aril relatively narrow [wide]. x = 7.
se United States, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, s Africa.
Species 44 (1 in the flora).