Turnera ulmifolia var. ulmifolia

[F I]
Synonyms: Turnera angustifolia Miller T. ulmifolia var. angustifolia (Miller) Willdenow
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 169.
Revision as of 22:04, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Subshrubs or shrubs, 0.5–2 m; hairs simple and glandular, glandular hairs microcapitate. Leaves not aromatic; petiole (1.5–)4–27 mm, with 2 apical nectaries; blade elliptic to ovate, 3.5–15 × 1.3–5.7 cm, base attenuate to cuneate, margins not revolute, serrate, apex acute or acuminate, surfaces pilose. Inflorescences epiphyllous, 2–4 cm; peduncle adnate to petiole; prophylls inserted at calyx base, ovate, 6–29 × 3–12 mm, often with nectaries. Flowers homostylous; calyx 14–30 mm, tube 5–16 mm; petals bright yellow, 14–30 × 7–20 mm; proximal part of filaments adnate by their margins to floral tube forming 5 nectar pockets, 11–21 mm; anthers basifixed; styles 8.5–21 mm. Capsules globose, 3–8 mm, granulose. Seeds blackish, 2.1–3 × 0.8–1.1 mm; epidermis smooth; aril unilateral, 1.8–3 mm. 2n = 30.

Phenology: Flowering and fruiting Mar–Dec.
Habitat: Sheltered locations
Elevation: 0–10 m


V6 310-distribution-map.jpg

Fla., La., s Mexico, West Indies, Central America, introduced also in Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Indian Ocean Islands, Pacific Islands, Australia.


Variety ulmifolia is often planted and has probably escaped from cultivation in various locations.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

María Mercedes Arbo +
Fla. +, La. +, s Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +, introduced also in Asia +, Africa +, Madagascar +, Indian Ocean Islands +, Pacific Islands +  and Australia. +
0–10 m +
Sheltered locations +
Flowering and fruiting Mar–Dec. +
Introduced +
Turnera angustifolia +  and T. ulmifolia var. angustifolia +
Turnera ulmifolia var. ulmifolia +
Turnera ulmifolia +
variety +