

Cat. Pl. Hort. Gott., 85. 1757.

Etymology: Ancient Greek name used by Theophrastus for plant used to curdle milk
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 584. Mentioned on page 496.
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Herbs perennial, terrestrial, glabrous or puberulent to glabrate. Roots from short rhizome, fibrous. Stems leafy. Leaves several, alternate, sheathing, plicate, grading into floral bracts. Inflorescences terminal racemes; floral bracts leaflike, often exceeding flowers. Flowers few to many, resupinate, pedicellate; perianth free, spreading or loosely connivent, subequal; sepals ovate to ovate-lanceolate, concave; petals often shorter than sepals; lip sessile at base of column, fleshy, divided into 2 parts by central constriction, proximal part (hypochile) deeply concave to saccate, distal part (epichile) triangular to oblanceolate, with pair of calli near base; column curved over lip, broadened distally, short; anther terminal, sessile; pollinia 4, mealy. Fruits capsules, pendent to spreading, obovoid to ellipsoid.


North America, Mexico, Eurasia, North Africa.


Species ca. 25 (3 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Lip 3-lobed, distal part linear-oblanceolate to narrowly spatulate-oblanceolate; lateral sepals 16–24 mm. Epipactis gigantea
1 Lip not 3-lobed, distal part triangular-ovate to broadly triangular; lateral sepals 6–13 mm. > 2
2 Lip 9–12 mm, distal part triangular-ovate, calli at base not rugose; ovary glabrous; flowers green to pink to purple to yellowish. Epipactis helleborine
2 Lip 5.5–6.5 mm, distal part broadly triangular, calli at base rugose; ovary tomentose; flowers dark wine to cranberry red. Epipactis atrorubens
... more about "Epipactis"
Paul Martin Brown +  and George W. Argus +
North America +, Mexico +, Eurasia +  and North Africa. +
Ancient Greek name used by Theophrastus for plant used to curdle milk +
Cat. Pl. Hort. Gott., +
Epipactis +
Orchidaceae (tribe Neottieae) subtribe Limodorinae +