

in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 231[I,3]: 1054, fig. 755. 1908.

Etymology: For William Gollan, 1855–1905, Scottish superintendent of Edinburgh Botanic Garden and collector in Kashmir
Synonyms: Elmeriobryum Brotherus
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 525. Mentioned on page 516, 645.
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Plants moderately large, densely caespitose, golden yellow to golden brown, somewhat glossy. Stems creeping, densely or rarely loosely pinnate; hyalodermis absent, central strand present, weak; pseudoparaphyllia foliose, lanceolate, never filamentous. Stem and branch leaves with dorsal, lateral, and ventral stem leaves often different in shape and size. Stem leaves closely imbricate, narrowly lanceolate, plicate; base not or short- to long-decurrent; margins recurved at base, entire to subentire proximally, serrate, serrulate, or rarely entire distally; apex narrowly acute [blunt]; costa double; alar cells differentiated, subquadrate to rectangular; laminal cells smooth, walls thick; medial cells linear. Branch leaves much smaller, narrower. Specialized asexual reproduction absent. Sexual condition dioicous; inner perichaetial leaves oblong-lanceolate, apex filiform-acuminate. [Seta reddish brown. Capsule inclined to horizontal, ovoid to cylindric, straight or weakly curved, not or weakly contracted below mouth; annulus little differentiated; operculum conic, sometimes short-rostrate; peristome double; exostome teeth with external surface transversely smooth to striolate proximally, papillose distally; endostome basal membrane 1/2 exostome teeth length, segments keeled, cilia 2–4. Calyptra naked. Spores rounded, finely papillose].


nw North America, Asia (Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, e Russia, Taiwan), Pacific Islands (Philippines).


Species 20 (1 in the flora).

Lower Taxa

... more about "Gollania"
Masanobu Higuchi +
Brotherus in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl +
nw North America +, Asia (Bhutan +, China +, India +, Indonesia +, Japan +, Korea +, Nepal +, Pakistan +, e Russia +, Taiwan) +  and Pacific Islands (Philippines). +
For William Gollan, 1855–1905, Scottish superintendent of Edinburgh Botanic Garden and collector in Kashmir +
in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. +
higuchi1985a +
Elmeriobryum +
Gollania +
Hypnaceae +