Abutilon palmeri

A. Gray

Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 289. 1870.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 225. Mentioned on page 220, 222.
Revision as of 23:39, 27 May 2020 by imported>Volume Importer

Shrubs, to 1.5(–2) m. Stems erect, ± stellate-pubescent, sometimes also with simple hairs 1–2 mm. Leaves: stipules filiform, 6–9 mm; petiole variable, usually subequal to blade; blade nearly concolorous, broadly ovate or weakly 3-lobed, 4–8 cm, ± as long as wide, base cordate, margins dentate, apex acuminate, surfaces softly tomentose. Inflorescences solitary flowers or terminal panicles. Flowers: calyx 9–15 mm, lobes accrescent to 20 mm, basally overlapping, not reflexed in fruit, cordate, to 8 mm wide; corolla yellow-orange throughout, petals 20–25 mm; staminal column glabrous; style 10-branched. Schizocarps broadly ovoid, 10–12 × 15–16 mm; mericarps: apex acute or apiculate, densely hirsute. Seeds 3 per mericarp, 3 mm, puberulent.

Phenology: Flowering late winter–spring.
Habitat: Desert habitats
Elevation: 0–1000 m


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Ariz., Calif., Mexico (Baja California, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas).


Abutilon palmeri has become popular in cultivation. It is distributed from the Sonoran Desert to San Diego County, in the San Jacinto Mountains, and in the southern counties of Arizona.

Selected References


Lower Taxa
