Saxifraga bronchialis subsp. funstonii

(Small) Hultén

Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl., ser. 3, 8(1): 12. 1929,.

Basionym: Leptasea funstonii Small in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl. 22: 154. 1905
Synonyms: Saxifraga bronchialis subsp. codyana (Zhmylev) Cody Saxifraga bronchialis var. funstonii (Small) Rosendahl Saxifraga bronchialis var. purpureomaculata Hultén Saxifraga codyana Saxifraga funstonii
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 140. Mentioned on page 141.
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Petals yellow-spotted, distinctly clawed. 2n = ca. 100, ca. 104.

Phenology: Flowering summer.
Habitat: Sandy or gravelly soils, fellfields, arctic to alpine tundra
Elevation: 0-2000 m


V8 280-distribution-map.gif

B.C., N.W.T., Yukon, Alaska.


Zhmylev described Saxifraga codyana as distinct from S. funstonii. Cody reduced it to a subspecies of S. bronchialis. Later (W. J. Cody 2000), he reported that the distinction between subsp. funstonii and subsp. codyana is in leaf marginal ciliation: the latter has proximal cauline leaves that are short glandular-ciliate instead of (nonglandular) ciliate, and basal leaves that are proximally glandular-ciliate or mixed glandular-ciliate and ciliate instead of ciliate. This difference appears to fall within the range of variation within Saxifraga species. The geographic range of subsp. codyana is wholly within that of subsp. funstonii, and there is no obvious ecological difference. Thus, subsp. codyana is not recognized here. A specimen from Melville Island (Northwest Territories) (Parker 25C, DAO) appears disjunct from the mainly continental range. This location needs to be confirmed.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

Luc Brouillet +  and Patrick E. Elvander† +
(Small) Hultén +
Leptasea funstonii +
B.C. +, N.W.T. +, Yukon +  and Alaska. +
0-2000 m +
Sandy or gravelly soils, fellfields, arctic to alpine tundra +
Flowering summer. +
Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl., ser. +
Saxifraga bronchialis subsp. codyana +, Saxifraga bronchialis var. funstonii +, Saxifraga bronchialis var. purpureomaculata +, Saxifraga codyana +  and Saxifraga funstonii +
Saxifraga bronchialis subsp. funstonii +
Saxifraga bronchialis +
subspecies +