Crataegus collina var. lettermanii

(Sargent) Eggleston

Rhodora 10: 76. 1908.

Basionym: Crataegus lettermanii Sargent Bot. Gaz. 31: 220. 1901 (as lettermani)
Synonyms: C. collina var. secta (Sargent) E. J. Palmer C. secta
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 9. Treatment on page 545. Mentioned on page 542, 543.
Revision as of 23:45, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Leaf blades broadly elliptic, 5–7.5 cm, nearly full grown at anthesis, length/width = 1.3, chartaceous, lobes 1 or 2 per side, evident, max LII 20%, lobe apex obtuse, margins serrate, teeth 1 mm, apex subacute to obtuse, adaxial surface matte, pubescent young. Inflorescence branches pubescent. Flowers 14–18 mm diam.; stamens 5–15(–20), anthers white or cream.

Phenology: Flowering Apr; fruiting Sep–Oct.
Habitat: Pastures, fencerows, scrub, open woodlands
Elevation: 10–500 m


Variety lettermanii has leaves rather large for Crataegus collina; they are also relatively wide and have well-developed, obtuse lobes, making it like a larger var. hirtiflora.

Selected References


Lower Taxa
