Sedum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum

Synonyms: Sedum stenopetalum var. subalpinum
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 206.
Revision as of 23:28, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Plants 5–15 cm. Rosette leaf blades 4.2–9 × 1.5–2.5 mm. Flowers: sepals 2–4 mm; petals 6–9 mm.

Phenology: Flowering spring–fall.
Habitat: Gravel, crevices of rocks in open situations, rocky meadows, boreal steppe, open, dry, sandy areas
Elevation: 0-4100 m


V8 413-distribution-map.gif

Alta., B.C., Sask., Yukon, Alaska, Ariz., Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nebr., Nev., N.Mex., Oreg., S.Dak., Utah, Wash., Wyo.


The name Sedum lanceolatum Torrey var. subalpinum (Fröderström) Ohba is illegitimate because there was already a heterotypic infraspecific name [subsp. subalpinum (Blankinship) R. T. Clausen] under the species although at a different rank.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

Hideaki Ohba +
unknown +
Alta. +, B.C. +, Sask. +, Yukon +, Alaska +, Ariz. +, Calif. +, Colo. +, Idaho +, Mont. +, Nebr. +, Nev. +, N.Mex. +, Oreg. +, S.Dak. +, Utah +, Wash. +  and Wyo. +
0-4100 m +
Gravel, crevices of rocks in open situations, rocky meadows, boreal steppe, open, dry, sandy areas +
Flowering spring–fall. +
Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
Sedum stenopetalum var. subalpinum +
Sedum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum +
Sedum lanceolatum +
variety +