Cistanthe maritima

(Nuttall) Carolin ex Hershkovitz

Phytologia 68: 269. 1990.

Basionym: Calandrinia maritima Nuttall in J. Torrey and A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 197. 1838
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 462. Mentioned on page 459, 461.
Revision as of 22:44, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Plants annual, taproot fleshy. Stems spreading or ascending, 7–25 cm. Leaves cauline, not forming basal rosettes; blade ovate to obovate or spatulate, flattened, 1–6 cm, glaucous. Inflorescences paniculate, loose, usually exceeding leaves. Flowers pedicellate; sepals ovate-orbiculate, slightly unequal, 3–5 mm, herbaceous, glaucous; petals disarticulate in fruit, usually 5, red-purple, 3–6 mm; stamens usually 5, anther yellow; style present; stigmas 3; pedicel 5–15 mm. Capsules ovoid, usually longer than calyx at maturity, 5–8 mm; valves 3. Seeds 20–40, dull gray, ellipsoid, 0.5–1 mm, white-hairy at 30×, strophiolate.

Phenology: Flowering Mar–Apr.
Habitat: Sandy places near sea bluffs
Elevation: 0-300 m


V4 912-distribution-map.gif

Calif., Mexico (Baja California).


Cistanthe maritima is threatened in California by habitat destruction (J. P. Smith Jr. 1984).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Cistanthe maritima"
Walter A. Kelley +, John M. Miller +  and John G. Packer +
(Nuttall) Carolin ex Hershkovitz +
Calandrinia maritima +
Calif. +  and Mexico (Baja California). +
0-300 m +
Sandy places near sea bluffs +
Flowering Mar–Apr. +
Illustrated +
Calyptridium +, Lewisiopsis +  and Spraguea +
Cistanthe maritima +
Cistanthe +
species +