Layia hieracioides

(de Candolle) Hooker & Arnott

Bot. Beechey Voy., 358. 1839.

Basionym: Madaroglossa hieracioides de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 5: 694. 1836
Synonyms: Layia paniculata D. D. Keck
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 268. Mentioned on page 263, 264.
Revision as of 19:38, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Plants 5–130 cm (self-compatible); glandular, usually strongly sweet- or pungent-scented. Stems purple-streaked. Leaf blades elliptic, lanceolate, linear, or oblanceolate, 7–150 mm, margins (basal leaves) lobed to toothed. Involucres ± ellipsoid to obconic, 4–9 × 4–9+ mm. Phyllaries 6–16, apices shorter than folded bases. Paleae in 1 series between ray and disc florets. Ray florets 6–16; laminae yellow, 1–4 mm. Disc florets 9–80; corollas 2.5–4.5 mm; anthers ± dark purple. Ray cypselae glabrous. Disc pappi of 10–16 white to rufous or purplish, ± equal bristles or setiform scales 2–4 mm, each proximally plumose, not adaxially woolly. 2n = 16, 32.

Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jul.
Habitat: Open, often grassy, or semishady sites in chaparral, woodlands, forests, and coastal scrub, often sandy soils, disturbed sites
Elevation: 0–1200 m


Layia hieracioides occurs in the southern San Francisco Bay area, South Coast Ranges, and Western Transverse Ranges. Diploids and tetraploids are morphologically similar and reportedly geographically distinct, with diploids documented from the San Francisco Bay area and tetraploids (= L. paniculata) documented to the south. Natural, ± sterile hybrids between tetraploid plants and L. glandulosa have been documented from the Central Coast (B. D. Tanowitz and J. W. Adams 1986; R. F. Hoover 8369, UC).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Layia hieracioides"
Bruce G. Baldwin +, Susan J. Bainbridge +  and John L. Strother +
(de Candolle) Hooker & Arnott +
Madaroglossa hieracioides +
0–1200 m +
Open, often grassy, or semishady sites in chaparral, woodlands, forests, and coastal scrub, often sandy soils, disturbed sites +
Flowering Apr–Jul. +
Bot. Beechey Voy., +
Layia paniculata +
Layia hieracioides +
species +