

Sp. Pl. 2: 813. 1753.


Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 355. 1754.

Etymology: Greek skolymus, a kind of thistle or artichoke allusion unclear, perhaps for perceived similarity to Cynara, globe artichoke
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment on page 220. Mentioned on page 214, 217, 218.
Revision as of 19:36, 24 September 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Annuals, biennials, or perennials, 10–80(–200+) cm; taprooted. Stems usually 1, erect, branched distally, glabrous or hairy (internodes winged, margins spiny, faces ± scabrellous and/or sparsely arachnose). Leaves basal and cauline (mostly cauline at flowering); basal ± petiolate, distal sessile; blades oblong or lanceolate to oblanceolate or linear, margins pinnately lobed to dentate, usually strongly spiny (faces ± scabrellous and/or sparsely arachnose). Heads borne singly (axillary and terminal) or in ± spiciform arrays. Peduncles usually 0 (heads in axils of ± foliaceous bracts; if peduncles produced, not inflated, strongly bracteate). Calyculi 0. Involucres campanulate to urceolate, 8–12[–16] mm diam. (larger in fruit). Phyllaries 24–30+ in 3+ series, lanceolate to lance-linear (± flat proximally), unequal to subequal, margins little, if at all, scarious, apices spine-tipped. Receptacles conic to hemispheric, smooth, glabrous, paleate; paleae winged (each palea enfolding, adnate to, and shed with cypsela). Florets 30–60+; corollas yellow. Cypselae (each shed with its enfolding palea) brownish, obcompressed, ± obovoid, not beaked, ribs 0, glabrous; pappi 0 or persistent (fragile), of 2–4[–5] whitish to stramineous, subequal, setiform-aristate scales plus 0–4 muticous to lanceolate scales in ± 1 series. x = 10.


Europe, Middle East, n Africa, Atlantic Islands.


Species 3 (2 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Annuals; margins of stem wings and leaf blades usually white and thickened; pappi 0. Scolymus maculatus
1 Biennials or perennials; margins of stem wings and leaf blades little, if at all, white or thickened; pappi of 2–4 setiform-aristate scales plus 0–4 muticous to lanceolate scales. Scolymus hispanicus
... more about "Scolymus"
John L. Strother +
Linnaeus +
Europe +, Middle East +, n Africa +  and Atlantic Islands. +
Greek skolymus, a kind of thistle or artichoke +  and allusion unclear, perhaps for perceived similarity to Cynara, globe artichoke +
Sp. Pl. +  and Gen. Pl. ed. +
1753 +  and 1754 +
Undefined tribe Lactuceae +
Scolymus +
Asteraceae tribe Cichorieae +