Amphidium californicum
in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 215[I,3]: 460. 1902.
Plants 1–4 cm. Stem leaves linear-lanceolate, 1.5–4 mm; margins recurved, toothed or entire proximally, toothed or notched distally; basal laminal cells yellowish, walls thick; distal cells 9–11 µm, slightly obscured by papillae, papillae elliptic, small. Sexual condition dioicous; perichaetial leaves elongate, narrow, base subsheathing, apex long-pointed. Seta 1.5–2 mm. Capsule immersed to emergent, 1.2–1.6 mm; operculum conic-apiculate, less than diam. of capsule. Spores 10–15 µm.
Habitat: Crevices of neutral to acidic rock
Elevation: moderate elevations
![V28 43-distribution-map.gif](/w/images/f/f5/V28_43-distribution-map.gif)
B.C., Calif., Idaho, Oreg., Wash.
Amphidium californicum is distinguished by the linear leaves with notched distal margins. Amphidium lapponicum has decidedly broader leaves and distal cells obscured by large, warty, cuticular papillae.
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