Difference between revisions of "Braya glabella subsp. purpurascens"

(R. Brown) W. J. Cody

Canad. Field-Naturalist 108: 93. 1964.

Basionym: Platypetalum purpurascens R. Brown Chlor. Melvill., 9, 50. 1823
Synonyms: Braya arctica Hooker Braya purpurascens (R. Brown) Bunge ex Ledebour Braya purpurascens var. dubia (R. Brown) O. E. Schulz Platypetalum dubium
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 7. Treatment on page 548.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:56, 16 December 2019

Stems ascending to erect, 0.3–1(–1.3) dm. Leaves: blade often fleshy, to 4 mm wide, margins usually entire, rarely 1 or 2 weak teeth per side. Racemes not elongated in fruit (often compact). Fruits oval-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, usually straight, 0.5–1 cm × 1.5–3 mm, 2.5–3.7 times as long as wide; style slender or stout, (0.3–)0.5–1.2 mm. 2n = 56.

Phenology: Flowering Jun–Jul.
Habitat: Barren, usually calcareous soils and gravel on solifluction lobes, scree, gravel bars, disturbed sites, rocky slopes, seashores
Elevation: 0-1800 m


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V7 873-distribution-map.gif

B.C., N.W.T., Nunavut, Alaska, n Eurasia.


Selected References


Lower Taxa

James G. Harris +
- R. Brown W. J. Cody +
Platypetalum purpurascens +
B.C. +, N.W.T. +, Nunavut +, Alaska +  and n Eurasia. +
0-1800 m +
Barren, usually calcareous soils and gravel on solifluction lobes, scree, gravel bars, disturbed sites, rocky slopes, seashores +
Flowering Jun–Jul. +
Canad. Field-Naturalist +
Illustrated +
Braya arctica +, Braya purpurascens +, Braya purpurascens var. dubia +  and Platypetalum dubium +
Braya glabella subsp. purpurascens +
Braya glabella +
subspecies +