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(Pollard) R. J. Little

J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4: 225. 2010.

Basionym: Viola flavovirens Pollard Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 405. 1897
Synonyms: V. praemorsa subsp. flavovirens (Pollard) Fabijan
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 147. Mentioned on page 146.
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FNA>Volume Importer
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Revision as of 22:43, 16 December 2019

Plants (11–)14–36.5 cm. Leaves: basal: petiole (5–)7.5–19 cm; blade usually elliptic to ovate, sometimes oblong-lanceolate, (3.4–)5.3–17 × 1.1–6.7 cm, length 1.8–6.5 times width, base attenuate, margins crenate, serrate, or serrulate; cauline similar to basal except: petiole 1.3–16.2 cm; blade 3–11(–14.8) × 1.4–3.6(–5.5) cm. Peduncles 5.9–27 cm. Lowest petal 11–15(–19) mm. Capsules 6–14 mm. Seeds medium brown. 2n = 36, 48.

Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jun.
Habitat: Vernally moist slopes and banks, grassy areas, rocky stream banks
Elevation: 500–1600 m


V6 256-distribution-map.jpg

Idaho, Mont., Utah, Wash., Wyo.


Populations of var. flavovirens in Idaho County, Idaho, have cauline leaves longer (14.8 versus 8 cm) and wider (5.5 versus 3.1 cm) than the maximum lengths and widths cited by D. M. Fabijan et al. (1987).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

R. John Little +  and Landon E. McKinney† +
(Pollard) R. J. Little +
Viola flavovirens +
Idaho +, Mont. +, Utah +, Wash. +  and Wyo. +
500–1600 m +
Vernally moist slopes and banks, grassy areas, rocky stream banks +
Flowering Apr–Jun. +
J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas +
V. praemorsa subsp. flavovirens +
Viola praemorsa var. flavovirens +
Viola praemorsa +
variety +