Difference between revisions of "Croptilon hookerianum var. validum"
Sida 9: 61. 1981.
Basionym: Isopappus validus Rydberg Brittonia 1: 100. 1931
Synonyms: Haplopappus validus (Rydberg) Cory
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 229.
FNA>Volume Importer |
FNA>Volume Importer |
(No difference)
Revision as of 18:43, 24 September 2019
Stems and peduncles densely long-stipitate-glandular (longest hairs 0.4–0.5 mm, including glands), often slightly hispid proximal to heads. Ray laminae 1–2.5 mm wide. 2n = 10 (11, 12).
Phenology: Flowering (Jun–)Jul–Oct.
Habitat: Sand, sandy gravel, dunes, stream terraces, sandstone outcrops, often in areas of oak woodlands, roadsides, roadbanks
Elevation: 20–400 m
Ark., Kans., Okla., Tex.
Selected References
Lower Taxa