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Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1816: 199. 1816.

Etymology: Derivation not given possibly Greek klados, branch, and anthos, flower, alluding to branching of stems at bases of sessile heads in original species
Synonyms: Ormenis (Cassini) Cassini
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment on page 495. Mentioned on page 14, 487.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
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|discussion=<p>Species ca. 5 (1 in the flora).</p>
|discussion=<p>Species ca. 5 (1 in the flora).</p>
|text=Oberprieler, C. and R. Vogt. 2002. Cladanthus. In: Med Checklist notulae, 21. Willdenowia 32: 195. 208.
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|distribution=s Europe;sw Asia;n Africa;introduced also in South America;elsewhere in Old World.
|distribution=s Europe;sw Asia;n Africa;introduced also in South America;elsewhere in Old World.
|publication title=Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris
|publication title=Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris
|publication year=1816
|publication year=1816
|special status=
|special status=
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/eaa6e58056e40c9ef614d8f47aea294977a1a5e9/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V19-20-21/V19_826.xml
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/f50eec43f223ca0e34566be0b046453a0960e173/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V19-20-21/V19_826.xml
|tribe=Asteraceae tribe Anthemideae
|tribe=Asteraceae tribe Anthemideae

Revision as of 21:20, 16 December 2019

Annuals [perennials, subshrubs], 10–60+ cm (usually aromatic). Stems usually 1, usually erect [prostrate], branched [immediately proximal to sessile, terminal heads], puberulent or villous to arachnose (hairs basifixed), glabrescent. Leaves mostly cauline; alternate; petiolate (proximal) or sessile (distal); blades obovate or spatulate to oblong or linear, 1–2(–3)-pinnately lobed (ultimate lobes ± linear to filiform), ultimate margins entire or dentate, faces villous to arachnose, glabrescent. Heads radiate, borne singly or in lax, corymbiform arrays. Involucres hemispheric or broader, 5–8[–12+] mm diam. Phyllaries persistent, 16–24+ in 2–3+ series, lance-linear or lanceolate to oblong or obovate, subequal, margins and apices (hyaline) scarious (apices ± dilated, rounded, abaxial faces ± villous or arachnose, glabrescent). Receptacles hemispheric to narrowly columnar or conic, paleate; paleae ± folded (carinate, each with central, red-brown resin duct). Ray florets 12–18+, neuter or styliferous and sterile; corollas orange, yellow, or white with yellow bases, laminae ± oblong (spreading to reflexed, ± marcescent). Disc florets 40–150[–200+], bisexual, fertile; corollas orange or yellow, tubes ± cylindric (bases saccate, each obliquely spurred, adaxially clasping distal 0.5+ of cypsela), throats campanulate to funnelform, lobes 5, deltate (apices minutely crested or dilated). Cypselae ± obovoid (apices oblique), weakly flattened (stylopodia sublateral), ribs or nerves (weak): 2 lateral, 1 adaxial, faces finely striate, glabrous [hairy] (pericarps with myxogenic cells in longitudinal rows, without resin sacs); pappi 0. x = 9.


s Europe, sw Asia, n Africa, introduced also in South America, elsewhere in Old World.


Species ca. 5 (1 in the flora).

Lower Taxa

... more about "Cladanthus"
Linda E. Watson +
Cassini +
s Europe +, sw Asia +, n Africa +, introduced also in South America +  and elsewhere in Old World. +
Derivation not given +  and possibly Greek klados, branch, and anthos, flower, alluding to branching of stems at bases of sessile heads in original species +
Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris +
Ormenis +
Cladanthus +
Asteraceae tribe Anthemideae +