Difference between revisions of "Solidago lepida subsp. fallax"

(Fernald) Semple

Sida 20: 1611. 2003.

Basionym: Solidago lepida var. fallax Fernald Rhodora 17: 9. 1915
Synonyms: Solidago canadensis var. fallax (Fernald) Beaudry Solidago elongata var. fallax (Fernald) G. N. Jones Solidago lepida var. molina Fernald
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 156. Mentioned on page 152, 155.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer

Revision as of 19:42, 24 September 2019

Distal cauline leaves: margins usually with 6–8 teeth per side. Heads in leafy, ± pyramidal arrays, branches usually ascending, not secund, sometimes spreading, secund, arching, little surpassing subtending leaves. Phyllaries: proximal margins sparsely, minutely stipitate-glandular. 2n = 18.

Phenology: Flowering (Jul–)Aug–Sep.
Habitat: Fields, thickets, roadsides
Elevation: 0–600+ m



N.B., Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.), Que.


Subspecies fallax is considered rare in New Brunswick, and its status in Labrador is uncertain. Narrower-leaved plants of subsp. fallax with less leafy, more pyramidal arrays can be difficult to distinguish from Solidago canadensis var. canadensis. Hybridization between the two diploid taxa is likely. Ray laminae tend to be shorter in subsp. fallax than subsp. lepida.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

John C. Semple +  and Rachel E. Cook +
(Fernald) Semple +
Solidago lepida var. fallax +
N.B. +, Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.) +  and Que. +
0–600+ m +
Fields, thickets, roadsides +
Flowering (Jul–)Aug–Sep. +
Solidago canadensis var. fallax +, Solidago elongata var. fallax +  and Solidago lepida var. molina +
Solidago lepida subsp. fallax +
Solidago lepida +
subspecies +