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Latest revision as of 16:08, 12 March 2025
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: flower
- A subproperty of inflorescence
- A Part of inflorescence
Types of flower
Parts of flower
- Abaxial and adaxial scale architecture
- Abaxial and adaxial scale architecture or function or pubescence
- Abaxial and adaxial scale count
- Abaxial and adaxial scale pubescence
- Abaxial scale architecture or arrangement
- Abaxial scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Abaxial scale architecture or shape
- Abaxial scale arrangement
- Abaxial scale arrangement or course or shape
- Abaxial scale count
- Abaxial scale length
- Abaxial scale prominence
- Abaxial scale shape
- Abaxial scale size
- Abaxial scale some measurement
- Abaxial scale width
- Adaxial scale architecture
- Adaxial scale arrangement or shape
- Adaxial scale count
- Adaxial scale count or density
- Adaxial scale duration
- Adaxial scale fixation
- Adaxial scale shape
- Androecium
- Androecium fusion
- Androecium position
- Androgynophore
- Androphore
- Anther
- Anther architecture
- Anther architecture or function or pubescence
- Anther architecture or shape
- Anther architecture or structure in adjective form
- Anther arrangement
- Anther arrangement or course or shape
- Anther arrangement or dehiscence
- Anther atypical count
- Anther atypical some measurement
- Anther coloration
- Anther count
- Anther dehiscence
- Anther dehiscence or orientation
- Anther depth
- Anther diameter
- Anther duration
- Anther fixation
- Anther height or length or size
- Anther length
- Anther length or size
- Anther orientation
- Anther position
- Anther presence
- Anther pubescence
- Anther quantity
- Anther reflectance
- Anther reproduction
- Anther shape
- Anther size
- Anther size or length
- Anther some measurement
- Anther width
- Anthocyanotic
- Apex bristle length
- Basal scale coating
- Basal scale count
- Basal scale height or length or size
- Basal scale length or size
- Basal scale pubescence
- Basal scale quantity
- Basal scale shape
- Basal scale size or width
- Basal scale width
- Bristle
- Bristle architecture
- Bristle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Bristle architecture or shape
- Bristle atypical some measurement
- Bristle coloration
- Bristle count
- Bristle course
- Bristle duration
- Bristle fragility
- Bristle height or length or size
- Bristle length
- Bristle length or size
- Bristle life cycle
- Bristle prominence
- Bristle pubescence
- Bristle pubescence or relief
- Bristle pubescence or shape
- Bristle pubescence or texture
- Bristle shape
- Bristle size
- Bristle some measurement
- Bristle texture
- Bristle width
- Bursicle
- Calyx
- Calyx architecture
- Calyx architecture or shape
- Calyx coloration
- Calyx coloration or density
- Calyx count
- Calyx course
- Calyx depth
- Calyx duration
- Calyx fusion
- Calyx length
- Calyx presence
- Calyx prominence
- Calyx pubescence
- Calyx shape
- Calyx size
- Calyx some measurement
- Calyx texture
- Calyx variability
- Capitate-glandular scale architecture
- Caudicle
- Clinandrium
- Column-foot
- Corolla
- Corolla coloration
- Corolla count
- Corolla duration
- Corolla length
- Corolla presence
- Corolla shape
- Corolla size
- Corolla some measurement
- Corolla texture
- Corolla width
- Corolla-tube
- Cup scale fusion
- Cup scale orientation
- Cup scale shape
- Distal scale architecture or shape
- Distal scale orientation
- Distal scale pubescence
- Distal scale shape
- Floral pigment
- Floral-cup
- Floral-tube
- Floral-tube depth
- Floral-tube size
- Flowers sepal coloration
- Flowers sepal shape
- Flowers sepal some measurement
- Fruit scale coloration
- Fruit scale height or length or size
- Fruit scale length or size
- Fruit scale life cycle
- Fruit scale some measurement
- Gynoecium
- Gynoecium architecture
- Gynoecium prominence
- Gynoecium size
- Gynophore
- Gynostemium
- Gynostemium shape
- Gynostemium some measurement
H cont.
- Hypanthium duration
- Hypanthium length
- Hypanthium life cycle
- Hypanthium position
- Hypanthium presence
- Hypanthium shape
- Hypanthium size
- Hypanthium some measurement
- Hypanthium texture
- Hypanthium width
- Inner anther dehiscence or orientation
- Inner petal architecture
- Inner petal arrangement or shape
- Inner petal atypical some measurement
- Inner petal coloration
- Inner petal coloration or density
- Inner petal depth
- Inner petal fusion
- Inner petal length
- Inner petal orientation
- Inner petal shape
- Inner petal size
- Inner petal some measurement
- Inner petal texture
- Inner petal variability
- Inner petal width
- Inner scale architecture or pubescence
- Inner scale arrangement
- Inner scale coloration
- Inner scale pubescence
- Inner scale quantity
- Inner sepal coloration
- Inner sepal length
- Inner sepal pubescence
- Inner sepal quantity
- Inner sepal width
- Inner stamen coloration
- Inner stamen coloration or density
- Inner stamen orientation
- Inner stamen quantity
- Inner tepal architecture
- Inner tepal architecture or relief
- Inner tepal architecture or shape
- Inner tepal arrangement or course or shape
- Inner tepal arrangement or shape
- Inner tepal atypical count
- Inner tepal atypical length
- Inner tepal atypical some measurement
- Inner tepal atypical width
- Inner tepal color
- Inner tepal coloration
- Inner tepal coloration or density
- Inner tepal coloration or reflectance
- Inner tepal count
- Inner tepal depth
- Inner tepal diameter
- Inner tepal fixation or orientation
- Inner tepal fragility
- Inner tepal fusion
- Inner tepal height or length or size
- Inner tepal length
- Inner tepal length or size
- Inner tepal life cycle
- Inner tepal orientation
- Inner tepal position
- Inner tepal prominence
- Inner tepal pubescence or texture
- Inner tepal quantity
- Inner tepal reflectance
- Inner tepal shape
- Inner tepal size
- Inner tepal some measurement
- Inner tepal texture
- Inner tepal variability
- Inner tepal width
- Innermost tepal architecture
- Innermost tepal shape
- Largest scale width
- Largest tepal atypical length
- Largest tepal length
- Largest tepal shape
- Largest tepal width
- Lateral anther architecture or structure in adjective form
- Lateral sepal architecture or shape
- Lateral sepal atypical length
- Lateral sepal atypical some measurement
- Lateral sepal atypical width
- Lateral sepal coloration
- Lateral sepal condition
- Lateral sepal length
- Lateral sepal orientation
- Lateral sepal pubescence
- Lateral sepal quantity
- Lateral sepal shape
- Lateral sepal some measurement
- Lateral sepal texture
- Lateral sepal width
- Leaf apex bristle some measurement
- Lower petal quantity
- Lower petal shape
- Lower petal some measurement
- Lower scale pubescence
- Lower sepal length
- Lower sepal quantity
- Lower sepal shape
- Lower sepal some measurement
- Lower sepal width
- Median anther architecture or structure in adjective form
- Median scale orientation
- Mentum
- Mid tepal coloration
- Nectar guide
- Nectar spur
- Nectariferous petal presence
- Nectart tube
- Nectary scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Nectary scale fixation
- Nectary scale fusion
- Nectary scale height or length or size
- Nectary scale orientation
- Nectary scale position relational
- Nectary scale prominence
- Nectary scale pubescence
- Nectary scale shape
- Nectary scale variability
- Outer anther dehiscence
- Outer petal architecture
- Outer petal architecture or relief
- Outer petal architecture or shape
- Outer petal arrangement
- Outer petal atypical length
- Outer petal atypical quantity
- Outer petal atypical some measurement
- Outer petal atypical width
- Outer petal coloration
- Outer petal fusion
- Outer petal length
- Outer petal orientation
- Outer petal presence
- Outer petal pubescence
- Outer petal quantity
- Outer petal shape
- Outer petal shape or vernation
- Outer petal some measurement
- Outer petal texture
- Outer petal variability
- Outer petal width
- Outer scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Outer scale arrangement
- Outer scale arrangement or dehiscence
- Outer scale coating
- Outer scale coloration
- Outer scale pubescence
- Outer scale quantity
- Outer scale size
- Outer scale variability
- Outer sepal coloration
- Outer sepal length
- Outer sepal position
- Outer sepal pubescence
- Outer sepal quantity
- Outer sepal shape
- Outer sepal width
- Outer stamen quantity
- Outer stamen some measurement
- Outer tepal architecture
- Outer tepal architecture or shape
O cont.
- Outer tepal arrangement or course or shape
- Outer tepal atypical length
- Outer tepal atypical width
- Outer tepal coloration
- Outer tepal count
- Outer tepal height or length or size
- Outer tepal length
- Outer tepal length or size
- Outer tepal orientation
- Outer tepal presence
- Outer tepal prominence
- Outer tepal pubescence
- Outer tepal relief
- Outer tepal shape
- Outer tepal size
- Outer tepal size or width
- Outer tepal some measurement
- Outer tepal texture
- Outer tepal variability
- Outer tepal width
- Outermost tepal architecture
- Outermost tepal coloration
- Outermost tepal duration
- Outermost tepal height or length or size
- Outermost tepal length
- Outermost tepal orientation
- Outermost tepal pubescence
- Outermost tepal quantity
- Outermost tepal shape
- Outermost tepal size
- Outermost tepal width
- Ovary stamen coloration
- Ovary stamen orientation
- Perianth
- Perianth architecture
- Perianth architecture or arrangement
- Perianth architecture or function or pubescence
- Perianth architecture or shape
- Perianth arrangement
- Perianth atypical length
- Perianth atypical some measurement
- Perianth atypical width
- Perianth coloration
- Perianth coloration or density
- Perianth condition
- Perianth condition or development
- Perianth condition or texture
- Perianth count
- Perianth depth
- Perianth development
- Perianth diameter
- Perianth duration
- Perianth fixation or orientation
- Perianth fusion
- Perianth growth form or texture
- Perianth height or length or size
- Perianth length
- Perianth length or size
- Perianth life cycle
- Perianth orientation
- Perianth orientation or shape
- Perianth position
- Perianth position or shape
- Perianth presence
- Perianth prominence
- Perianth pubescence
- Perianth reproduction
- Perianth shape
- Perianth size
- Perianth some measurement
- Perianth texture
- Perianth variability
- Perianth width
- Perigonium
- Petal
- Petal architecture
- Petal architecture or arrangement
- Petal architecture or shape
- Petal area
- Petal arrangement
- Petal arrangement or course or shape
- Petal arrangement or dehiscence
- Petal arrangement or shape
- Petal atypical area
- Petal atypical count
- Petal atypical length
- Petal atypical quantity
- Petal atypical some measurement
- Petal atypical width
- Petal color
- Petal coloration
- Petal coloration or density
- Petal coloration or odor
- Petal condition
- Petal count
- Petal course
- Petal depth
- Petal development
- Petal duration
- Petal function
- Petal fusion
- Petal height or length or size
- Petal length
- Petal length or size
- Petal life cycle
- Petal orientation
- Petal origin
- Petal position
- Petal presence
- Petal prominence
- Petal prominence or shape
- Petal pubescence
- Petal quantity
- Petal reflectance
- Petal shape
- Petal size
- Petal size or quantity
- Petal size or width
- Petal some measurement
- Petal texture
- Petal variability
- Petal width
- Petiole scale architecture or arrangement
- Petiole scale arrangement
- Petiole scale arrangement or course or shape
- Petiole scale coloration
- Petiole scale length
- Petiole scale shape
- Petiole scale width
- Proximal outer tepal position or shape
- Proximal outer tepal shape
- Proximal scale coloration
- Proximal scale count
- Proximal scale fusion
- Proximal scale orientation
- Proximal scale position
- Proximal scale position or shape
- Proximal scale pubescence
- Proximal scale relief
- Proximal scale reproduction
- Proximal scale size
- Proximal sepal arrangement
- Ray
- Ray coloration
- Ray count
- Ray course
- Ray length or size
- Ray orientation or shape
- Ray pubescence
- Ray reflectance
- Ray shape
- Ray some measurement
- Ray width
- Ray-floret
- Scale
- Scale architecture
- Scale architecture or coloration or relief
- Scale architecture or course
- Scale architecture or fragility
- Scale architecture or function or pubescence
- Scale architecture or pubescence
- Scale architecture or pubescence or relief
- Scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Scale architecture or shape
- Scale architecture or shape or texture
- Scale arrangement
- ... further results
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Abaxial and adaxial scale architecture +
- Abaxial and adaxial scale architecture or function or pubescence +
- Abaxial and adaxial scale count +
- Abaxial and adaxial scale pubescence +
- Abaxial scale architecture or arrangement +
- Abaxial scale architecture or pubescence or shape +
- Abaxial scale architecture or shape +
- Abaxial scale arrangement +
- Abaxial scale arrangement or course or shape +
- Abaxial scale count +
- Abaxial scale length +
- Abaxial scale prominence +
- Abaxial scale shape +
- Abaxial scale size +
- Abaxial scale some measurement +
- Abaxial scale width +
- Adaxial scale architecture +
- Adaxial scale arrangement or shape +
- Adaxial scale count +
- Adaxial scale count or density +
- Adaxial scale duration +
- Adaxial scale fixation +
- Adaxial scale shape +
- Androecium +
- Androecium fusion +
- ...