Difference between revisions of "Opuntia ×curvispina"


Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 43: 88, plate 2. 1916.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 139. Mentioned on page 129, 133.
FNA>Volume Importer
imported>Volume Importer
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="tree growth form;tree some measurement;trunk some measurement"><b>Trees,</b> shrubby, 0.5–1.5 m, with trunk to 20 cm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="stem segment architecture;stem segment coloration;stem segment coloration;stem segment coloration;stem segment shape;stem segment shape;stem segment shape;stem segment shape;stem segment length;stem segment width;stem segment width;stem segment relief;stem segment pubescence"><b>Stem </b>segments not disarticulating, gray-green to yellow-green, flattened, circular to broadly obovate, 12–22 × 12.5–20 cm, sometimes wider than long, ± tuberculate, glabrous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="areole count;areole prominence;areole arrangement or shape;areole arrangement or shape;areole arrangement or shape;areole length;areole width">areoles 6–9 per diagonal row across midstem segment, prominent, circular to elliptic, 4–7 × 3–7 mm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="wool coloration;wool coloration;wool coloration;wool life cycle;wool coloration">wool tan to brown, aging gray.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="spine coloration;spine coloration;spine coloration"><b>Spines </b>in most areoles, reddish yellow to redbrown;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="abaxial spine coloration">abaxial ones sometimes whitish;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="adaxial spine coloration">adaxial spines often yellow;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="spine size;spine atypical count;spine atypical count;spine count;spine orientation;spine orientation;spine shape;spine shape;spine shape;spine shape;spine course;spine fragility;spine length;spine some measurement">major spines (0–) 4–8 (–9) per areole, usually deflexed, sometimes spreading, particularly on stem segment margins, subterete to flattened or channeled adaxially, sometimes curved, stiff, the longest 40–60 mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="glochid arrangement;marginal crescent size;subapical tuft density;subapical tuft prominence;subapical tuft coloration;subapical tuft coloration;subapical tuft coloration;subapical tuft atypical some measurement;subapical tuft some measurement;wool length or size;wool density"><b>Glochids </b>crowded in extended marginal crescent, nearly encircling areole, and less dense subapical tuft obscured by long dense wool, yellow to yellowbrown, 1–6 (–12) mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="inner tepal coloration;inner tepal shape;inner tepal some measurement;inner tepal architecture or shape;basal reddish blush prominence"><b>Flowers:</b> inner tepals yellow sometimes with faint basal reddish blush, broadly obovate, 22–35 mm, apiculate;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="filament coloration;anther coloration">filaments and anthers yellow;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="style coloration">style white;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="stigma lobe coloration">stigma lobes greenish white.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="fruit reflectance;fruit coloration;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit length;fruit width;fruit texture;fruit pubescence;fruit architecture;flesh coloration"><b>Fruits </b>dull red with greenish flesh, ovate to obovate, 32–50 × 15–30 mm, fleshy, glabrous, spineless;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s14" data-properties="umbilicus some measurement;umbilicus depth">umbilicus 4–6 mm deep;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s15" data-properties="areole count">areoles 28–46.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s16" data-properties="seed coloration;seed shape;seed shape;seed shape;seed diameter;side shape;side architecture or pubescence or relief"><b>Seeds </b>yellowish, reniform to subcircular, 4–5 mm diam., sides flattened, smooth;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s17" data-properties="girdle prominence;girdle some measurement;2n chromosome count">girdle protruding 0.5–0.8 mm. <b>2n</b> = 22.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Trees,</b> shrubby, 0.5–1.5 m, with trunk to 20 cm. <b>Stem</b> segments not disarticulating, gray-green to yellow-green, flattened, circular to broadly obovate, 12–22 × 12.5–20 cm, sometimes wider than long, ± tuberculate, glabrous; areoles 6–9 per diagonal row across midstem segment, prominent, circular to elliptic, 4–7 × 3–7 mm; wool tan to brown, aging gray. <b>Spines</b> in most areoles, reddish yellow to red-brown; abaxial ones sometimes whitish; adaxial spines often yellow; major spines (0–)4–8(–9) per areole, usually deflexed, sometimes spreading, particularly on stem segment margins, subterete to flattened or channeled adaxially, sometimes curved, stiff, the longest 40–60 mm. <b>Glochids</b> crowded in extended marginal crescent, nearly encircling areole, and less dense subapical tuft obscured by long dense wool, yellow to yellow-brown, 1–6(–12) mm. <b>Flowers</b>: inner tepals yellow sometimes with faint basal reddish blush, broadly obovate, 22–35 mm, apiculate; filaments and anthers yellow; style white; stigma lobes greenish white. <b>Fruits</b> dull red with greenish flesh, ovate to obovate, 32–50 × 15–30 mm, fleshy, glabrous, spineless; umbilicus 4–6 mm deep; areoles 28–46. <b>Seeds</b> yellowish, reniform to subcircular, 4–5 mm diam., sides flattened, smooth; girdle protruding 0.5–0.8 mm. <b>2n</b> = 22.</span><!--
|phenology=Flowering spring (Apr–Jun).
|habitat=Desert grasslands, oak and/or juniper woodlands, sandy to gravelly flats or slopes
|habitat=Desert grasslands, oak and/or juniper woodlands, sandy to gravelly flats or slopes
|elevation=1000-1500 m
|elevation=1000-1500 m
|discussion=<p>Opuntia ×curvispina is a nothospecies resulting from hybridization of O. chlorotica and O. phaeacantha. B. D. Parfitt (1980) separated the tetraploid Opuntia martiniana (L. D. Benson) B. D. Parfitt [O. littoralis Engelmann var. martiniana (L. D. Benson) L. D. Benson] from O. ×curvispina on the basis of having style obovoid (widest at or above the middle) versus ovoid (widest near the base) and other differences, often overlapping, such as more yellow spines, fewer areoles per stem segment, and size differences of fruit. Because both are tetraploid putative hybrids, grow in proximity, and share many character states, I am reluctant to separate them until more evidence is obtained.</p>
|discussion=<p><i>Opuntia ×curvispina</i> is a nothospecies resulting from hybridization of <i>O. chlorotica</i> and <i>O. phaeacantha</i>. B. D. Parfitt (1980) separated the tetraploid <i>Opuntia</i> martiniana (L. D. Benson) B. D. Parfitt [<i>O. littoralis</i> Engelmann var. martiniana (L. D. Benson) L. D. Benson] from <i>O. ×curvispina</i> on the basis of having style obovoid (widest at or above the middle) versus ovoid (widest near the base) and other differences, often overlapping, such as more yellow spines, fewer areoles per stem segment, and size differences of fruit. Because both are tetraploid putative hybrids, grow in proximity, and share many character states, I am reluctant to separate them until more evidence is obtained.</p>
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name=Opuntia ×curvispina
name=Opuntia ×curvispina
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|phenology=Flowering spring (Apr–Jun).
|habitat=Desert grasslands, oak and/or juniper woodlands, sandy to gravelly flats or slopes
|habitat=Desert grasslands, oak and/or juniper woodlands, sandy to gravelly flats or slopes
|elevation=1000-1500 m
|elevation=1000-1500 m
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|publication year=1916
|publication year=1916
|special status=
|special status=
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V4/V4_263.xml
|source xml=https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation/src/2e0870ddd59836b60bcf96646a41e87ea5a5943a/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V4/V4_263.xml
|subfamily=Cactaceae subfam. Opuntioideae
|subfamily=Cactaceae subfam. Opuntioideae
|species=Opuntia ×curvispina
|species=Opuntia ×curvispina
|2n chromosome count=22
|abaxial spine coloration=whitish
|adaxial spine coloration=yellow
|anther coloration=yellow
|areole arrangement or shape=circular;elliptic
|areole count=28;46
|areole length=4mm;7mm
|areole prominence=prominent
|areole width=3mm;7mm
|basal reddish blush prominence=faint
|filament coloration=yellow
|flesh coloration=greenish
|fruit architecture=spineless
|fruit coloration=red
|fruit length=32mm;50mm
|fruit pubescence=glabrous
|fruit reflectance=dull
|fruit shape=ovate;obovate
|fruit texture=fleshy
|fruit width=15mm;30mm
|girdle prominence=protruding
|girdle some measurement=0.5mm;0.8mm
|glochid arrangement=crowded
|inner tepal architecture or shape=apiculate
|inner tepal coloration=yellow
|inner tepal shape=obovate
|inner tepal some measurement=22mm;35mm
|marginal crescent size=extended
|seed coloration=yellowish
|seed diameter=4mm;5mm
|seed shape=reniform;subcircular
|side architecture or pubescence or relief=smooth
|side shape=flattened
|spine atypical count=8;9
|spine coloration=reddish yellow;redbrown
|spine count=4;8
|spine course=curved
|spine fragility=stiff
|spine length=longest
|spine orientation=spreading;deflexed
|spine shape=subterete;flattened or channeled
|spine size=major
|spine some measurement=40mm;60mm
|stem segment architecture=not disarticulating
|stem segment coloration=gray-green;yellow-green
|stem segment length=12cm;22cm
|stem segment pubescence=glabrous
|stem segment relief=tuberculate
|stem segment shape=circular;broadly obovate
|stem segment width=sometimes wider than long;12.5cm;20cm
|stigma lobe coloration=greenish white
|style coloration=white
|subapical tuft atypical some measurement=6mm;12mm
|subapical tuft coloration=yellow;yellowbrown
|subapical tuft density=dense
|subapical tuft prominence=obscured
|subapical tuft some measurement=1mm;6mm
|tree growth form=shrubby
|tree some measurement=0.5m;1.5m
|trunk some measurement=0cm;20cm
|umbilicus depth=deep
|umbilicus some measurement=4mm;6mm
|wool coloration=gray;tan;brown
|wool density=dense
|wool length or size=long
|wool life cycle=aging

Latest revision as of 22:57, 5 November 2020

Trees, shrubby, 0.5–1.5 m, with trunk to 20 cm. Stem segments not disarticulating, gray-green to yellow-green, flattened, circular to broadly obovate, 12–22 × 12.5–20 cm, sometimes wider than long, ± tuberculate, glabrous; areoles 6–9 per diagonal row across midstem segment, prominent, circular to elliptic, 4–7 × 3–7 mm; wool tan to brown, aging gray. Spines in most areoles, reddish yellow to red-brown; abaxial ones sometimes whitish; adaxial spines often yellow; major spines (0–)4–8(–9) per areole, usually deflexed, sometimes spreading, particularly on stem segment margins, subterete to flattened or channeled adaxially, sometimes curved, stiff, the longest 40–60 mm. Glochids crowded in extended marginal crescent, nearly encircling areole, and less dense subapical tuft obscured by long dense wool, yellow to yellow-brown, 1–6(–12) mm. Flowers: inner tepals yellow sometimes with faint basal reddish blush, broadly obovate, 22–35 mm, apiculate; filaments and anthers yellow; style white; stigma lobes greenish white. Fruits dull red with greenish flesh, ovate to obovate, 32–50 × 15–30 mm, fleshy, glabrous, spineless; umbilicus 4–6 mm deep; areoles 28–46. Seeds yellowish, reniform to subcircular, 4–5 mm diam., sides flattened, smooth; girdle protruding 0.5–0.8 mm. 2n = 22.

Phenology: Flowering spring (Apr–Jun).
Habitat: Desert grasslands, oak and/or juniper woodlands, sandy to gravelly flats or slopes
Elevation: 1000-1500 m


Opuntia ×curvispina is a nothospecies resulting from hybridization of O. chlorotica and O. phaeacantha. B. D. Parfitt (1980) separated the tetraploid Opuntia martiniana (L. D. Benson) B. D. Parfitt [O. littoralis Engelmann var. martiniana (L. D. Benson) L. D. Benson] from O. ×curvispina on the basis of having style obovoid (widest at or above the middle) versus ovoid (widest near the base) and other differences, often overlapping, such as more yellow spines, fewer areoles per stem segment, and size differences of fruit. Because both are tetraploid putative hybrids, grow in proximity, and share many character states, I am reluctant to separate them until more evidence is obtained.

Selected References


Lower Taxa
