Difference between revisions of "Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra"

(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener

Phytologia 77: 85. 1994.

Basionym: Anemone zephyra A. Nelson Bot. Gaz. 42: 51. 1906
Synonyms: Anemone narcissiflora subsp. zephyra (A. Nelson) A. Löve, D. Löve, & B. M. Kapoor
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA>Volume Importer
m (Fixed synonyms to match printed version)
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|accepted_authority=(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener
|accepted_authority=(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener
|place=77: 85. 1994
|place=77: 85. 1994
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|name=Anemone zephyra
|name=Anemone zephyra
|authority=A. Nelson
|authority=A. Nelson
|publication_title=Bot. Gaz.
|publication_place=42: 51. 1906
|name=Anemone narcissiflora subsp. zephyra
|name=Anemone narcissiflora subsp. zephyra
|authority=(A. Nelson) A. Löve
|authority=(A. Nelson) A. Löve, D. Löve, & B. M. Kapoor
|hierarchy=Ranunculaceae;Anemone;Anemone narcissiflora;Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra
|hierarchy=Ranunculaceae;Anemone;Anemone narcissiflora;Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra
|hierarchy_nav=<div class="higher-taxa"><div class="higher-taxon"><small>family</small>[[Ranunculaceae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>genus</small>[[Anemone]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>species</small>[[Anemone narcissiflora]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>variety</small>[[Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra]]</div></div>
|hierarchy_nav=<div class="higher-taxa"><div class="higher-taxon"><small>family</small>[[Ranunculaceae]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>genus</small>[[Anemone]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>species</small>[[Anemone narcissiflora]]</div><div class="higher-taxon"><small>variety</small>[[Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra]]</div></div>
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="shoot location;shoot some measurement"><b>Aerial </b>shoots 7-40 cm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="basal leaf quantity"><b>Basal </b>leaves 3-7;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="petiole atypical some measurement;petiole atypical some measurement;petiole some measurement">petiole (4-) 5-10 (-15) cm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="leaflet pubescence;leaflet pubescence;leaflet pubescence;leaflet pubescence;leaflet pubescence">leaflets glabrous, sparsely pilose, or villous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="lateral leaflet shape">lateral leaflets 2 (-3) ×-lobed;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="ultimate lobe width">ultimate lobes 3-8 mm wide.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form;umbel architecture;umbel architecture or arrangement or growth form;flower architecture;flower architecture or arrangement or growth form"><b>Inflorescences </b>2-3 (-4) -flowered umbels or flowers solitary;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="peduncle pubescence;peduncle pubescence">peduncle pilose or villous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="involucral-beak shape;involucral-beak architecture or shape;involucral-beak atypical some measurement;involucral-beak some measurement;surface pubescence;surface pubescence;surface pubescence;surface pubescence;surface pubescence">involucral-bracts obtriangular, 3-cleft, (1.5-) 2.5-5 cm, surfaces glabrous, sparsely pilose, or villous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="lateral segment shape">lateral segments unlobed.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="sepal quantity;sepal coloration;sepal coloration"><b>Flowers:</b> sepals 5-9, yellow or yellowish;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="stamen quantity">stamens 40-60.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="pedicel some measurement"><b>Pedicels </b>5-10 cm in fruit.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="body some measurement"><b>Achenes:</b> body ca. 5 mm.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Aerial </b>shoots 7-40 cm. <b>Basal</b> leaves 3-7; petiole (4-)5-10(-15) cm; leaflets glabrous, sparsely pilose, or villous; lateral leaflets 2(-3)×-lobed; ultimate lobes 3-8 mm wide. <b>Inflorescences</b> 2-3(-4)-flowered umbels or flowers solitary; peduncle pilose or villous; involucral bracts obtriangular, 3-cleft, (1.5-)2.5-5 cm, surfaces glabrous, sparsely pilose, or villous; lateral segments unlobed. <b>Flowers</b>: sepals 5-9, yellow or yellowish; stamens 40-60. <b>Pedicels</b> 5-10 cm in fruit. <b>Achenes</b>: body ca. 5 mm.</span><!--
Line 41: Line 45:
name=Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra
name=Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra
|authority=(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener
|authority=(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener
|parent rank=species
|parent rank=species
|synonyms=Anemone narcissiflora subsp. zephyra
|basionyms=Anemone zephyra;Anemone narcissiflora subsp. zephyra
|basionyms=Anemone zephyra
|phenology=Flowering summer (Jun–Aug).
|phenology=Flowering summer (Jun–Aug).
Line 53: Line 56:
|publication title=Phytolgia
|publication title=Phytologia
|publication year=1994
|publication year=1994
|special status=Endemic
|special status=Endemic
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V3/V3_156.xml
|source xml=https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation/src/2e0870ddd59836b60bcf96646a41e87ea5a5943a/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V3/V3_156.xml
|species=Anemone narcissiflora
|species=Anemone narcissiflora
|variety=Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra
|variety=Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra
|basal leaf quantity=3;7
|body some measurement=5
|flower architecture=2-3(-4)-flowered
|flower architecture or arrangement or growth form=solitary
|inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form=solitary
|involucral-beak architecture or shape=3-cleft
|involucral-beak atypical some measurement=1.5cm;2.5cm
|involucral-beak shape=obtriangular
|involucral-beak some measurement=2.5cm;5cm
|lateral leaflet shape=2(-3)×-lobed
|lateral segment shape=unlobed
|leaflet pubescence=villous;pilose;villous;pilose;glabrous
|pedicel some measurement=5cm;10cm
|peduncle pubescence=villous;pilose
|petiole atypical some measurement=10cm;15cm
|petiole some measurement=5cm;10cm
|sepal coloration=yellowish;yellow
|sepal quantity=5;9
|shoot location=aerial
|shoot some measurement=7cm;40cm
|stamen quantity=40;60
|surface pubescence=villous;pilose;villous;pilose;glabrous
|ultimate lobe width=3mm;8mm
|umbel architecture=2-3(-4)-flowered
|umbel architecture or arrangement or growth form=solitary
-->[[Category:Treatment]][[Category:Anemone narcissiflora]]
-->[[Category:Treatment]][[Category:Anemone narcissiflora]]

Latest revision as of 19:48, 7 December 2022

Aerial shoots 7-40 cm. Basal leaves 3-7; petiole (4-)5-10(-15) cm; leaflets glabrous, sparsely pilose, or villous; lateral leaflets 2(-3)×-lobed; ultimate lobes 3-8 mm wide. Inflorescences 2-3(-4)-flowered umbels or flowers solitary; peduncle pilose or villous; involucral bracts obtriangular, 3-cleft, (1.5-)2.5-5 cm, surfaces glabrous, sparsely pilose, or villous; lateral segments unlobed. Flowers: sepals 5-9, yellow or yellowish; stamens 40-60. Pedicels 5-10 cm in fruit. Achenes: body ca. 5 mm.

Phenology: Flowering summer (Jun–Aug).
Habitat: Forest margins, alpine meadows
Elevation: 2700-4000 m


Selected References


Lower Taxa

Bryan E. Dutton +, Carl S. Keener +  and Bruce A. Ford +
(A. Nelson) B. E. Dutton & Keener +
Anemone zephyra +  and Anemone narcissiflora subsp. zephyra +
Colo. +  and Wyo. +
2700-4000 m +
Forest margins, alpine meadows +
Flowering summer (Jun–Aug). +
Anemonastrum +, Anemonidium +, Anemonoides +, Hepatica +, Jurtsevia +  and Pulsatilla +
Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra +
Anemone narcissiflora +
variety +