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(Müller Hal.) Tuomikoski & T. J. Koponen

Ann. Bot. Fenn. 16: 223. 1979.

Selected by author to be illustrated
Basionym: Hypnum pseudostramineum Müller Hal.
Synonyms: Calliergidium pseudostramineum (Müller Hal.) GroutC. pseudostramineum var. hoveyi GroutC. pseudostramineum var. plesistramineum (Renauld) GroutDrepanocladus pseudostramineus unknown
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 397. Mentioned on page 396, 398, 401.
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Revision as of 05:23, 27 July 2019

Plants green, yellow-green, or brownish. Stems with axillary hair distal cells 1–3. Stem leaves narrowly ovate-triangular or ovate, almost straight, slightly falcate, or rarely strongly falcate, concave; margins ± entire or finely denticulate; apex obtuse, acuminate, or blunt, incurved; costa ending 2/3–4/5 leaf length; alar region isodiametric or sometimes transversely triangular, supra-alar cells large, forming oval or rectangular region with alar cells along basal margin.

Habitat: Mineral-poor and acid habitats (disturbed), slightly sloping poor fens, ditches, periodically water-filled depressions
Elevation: low to high elevations (0-2200 m)


V28 623-distribution-map.gif

Greenland, B.C., Nfld. and Labr., Ont., Alaska, Calif., Minn., Wash., Wyo., s South America, Europe, Pacific Islands (New Zealand), Subantarctic Islands.


Warnstorfia pseudostraminea is usually readily recognizable in the field, where the species gives an impression of an intermediate between W. fluitans and Straminergon stramineum. The species, which is never red, could be confused with 1. W. fluitans or green plants of Sarmentypnum exannulatum, and the distinguishing characters of these species are given in their respective discussions. The genus Calliergidium, in which W. pseudostraminea has been placed, is discussed under Drepanocladus (Amblystegiaceae).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

Lars Hedenäs +
(Müller Hal.) Tuomikoski & T. J. Koponen +
Hypnum pseudostramineum +
Greenland +, B.C. +, Nfld. and Labr. +, Ont. +, Alaska +, Calif. +, Minn. +, Wash. +, Wyo. +, s South America +, Europe +, Pacific Islands (New Zealand) +  and Subantarctic Islands. +
low to high elevations (0-2200 m) +
Mineral-poor and acid habitats (disturbed), slightly sloping poor fens, ditches, periodically water-filled depressions +
Ann. Bot. Fenn. +
Selected by author to be illustrated +
Calliergidium pseudostramineum +, C. pseudostramineum var. hoveyi +, C. pseudostramineum var. plesistramineum +  and Drepanocladus pseudostramineus +
Warnstorfia pseudostraminea +
Warnstorfia +
species +