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imported>Volume Importer |
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Revision as of 13:09, 24 November 2024
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: stem
- A Top Level Property
Types of stem
- Axillary shoot height or length or size
- Axillary shoot shape
- Axillary tuber arrangement or growth form
- Axillary tuber count
- Axillary tuber some measurement
- Basal branch architecture
- Basal branch arrangement
- Basal branch fragility
- Basal branch orientation
- Basal branch texture
- Basal tubercle count
- Basal tubercle course
- Basal tubercle length
- Basal tubercle length or size
- Basal tubercle quantity
- Basal tubercle some measurement
- Between angles tubercle architecture or course
- Between angles tubercle coloration
- Branch
- Branch architecture
- Branch architecture or arrangement
- Branch architecture or course
- Branch architecture or function or pubescence
- Branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Branch architecture or shape
- Branch arrangement
- Branch arrangement or course or shape
- Branch arrangement or growth form
- Branch arrangement or shape
- Branch atypical count
- Branch atypical some measurement
- Branch coloration
- Branch coloration or pubescence or relief
- Branch count
- Branch count or density
- Branch course
- Branch course or shape
- Branch density
- Branch development
- Branch diameter
- Branch duration
- Branch fragility
- Branch fragility or size
- Branch function
- Branch growth form or orientation
- Branch growth form or texture
- Branch height or length or size
- Branch length
- Branch length or size
- Branch life cycle
- Branch location
- Branch orientation
- Branch orientation or shape
- Branch position
- Branch position relational
- Branch prominence
- Branch prominence or shape
- Branch pubescence
- Branch quantity
- Branch relief
- Branch reproduction
- Branch shape
- Branch size
- Branch some measurement
- Branch texture
- Branch thickness
- Branch variability
- Branch width
- Branch-style
- Branch-style architecture
- Branch-style arrangement
- Branch-style coloration
- Branch-style distance
- Branchlet
- Branchlet architecture
- Branchlet architecture or arrangement
- Branchlet architecture or pubescence or relief
- Branchlet architecture or shape
- Branchlet arrangement
- Branchlet coloration
- Branchlet count
- Branchlet diameter
- Branchlet duration
- Branchlet fixation or orientation
- Branchlet fragility or size
- Branchlet fusion
- Branchlet height or length or size
- Branchlet life cycle
- Branchlet nutrition
- Branchlet orientation
- Branchlet position
- Branchlet prominence
- Branchlet prominence or shape
- Branchlet pubescence
- Branchlet pubescence or relief
- Branchlet reflectance
- Branchlet relief or texture
- Branchlet shape
- Branchlet size
- Branchlet some measurement
- Branchlet texture
- Branchlet variability
- Branchlet width
- Central shorter side branch count
- Central shorter side branch height or length or size
- Central shorter side branch position or structure subtype
- Central shorter side branch prominence
- Cormlet
- Culm
- Daughter tuber arrangement
- Daughter tuber quantity
- Distal branch count or density
- Distal branch orientation
- Distalmost tubercle length
- Distalmost tubercle prominence
- Individual branch diameter
- Inflorescence branch orientation
- Internodal branch architecture or course
- Lateral branch architecture
- Lateral branch architecture or shape
- Lateral branch count
- Lateral branch development
- Lateral branch height or length or size
- Lateral branch length or size
- Lateral branch life cycle
- Lateral branch orientation
- Lateral branch position
- Lateral branch position or structure subtype
- Lateral branch shape
- Lateral branch size or width
- Lateral branchlet architecture
- Lateral branchlet architecture or shape
- Lateral branchlet arrangement
- Lateral branchlet count
- Lateral branchlet diameter
- Lateral branchlet fixation or orientation
- Lateral branchlet height or length or size
- Lateral branchlet orientation
- Lateral branchlet position
- Lateral branchlet prominence or shape
- Lateral branchlet shape
- Lateral branchlet variability
- Lateral branchlet width
- Lateral main-stem height or length or size
- Lateral shoot architecture
- Lateral shoot count
L cont.
- Lateral shoot height or length or size
- Lateral shoot orientation
- Lateral shoot shape
- Lateral shoot size
- Lateral tubercle atypical count
- Lateral tubercle count
- Lateral tubercle fusion
- Lateral tubercle relief
- Lower branch arrangement or shape
- Lower branch orientation
- Lower branch width
- Main branch orientation
- Main shoot branch atypical count
- Main shoot branch count
- Main shoot branch prominence
- Main shoot prominence
- Main-stem
- Main-stem architecture
- Main-stem development
- Main-stem fixation or orientation
- Main-stem growth form or orientation
- Main-stem length or size
- Main-stem location
- Main-stem orientation
- Main-stem position
- Main-stem some measurement
- Old-growth branch architecture
- Old-growth branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Old-growth branch life cycle
- Panicle branch architecture
- Parent and daughter tuber arrangement
- Parent tuber arrangement
- Primary and axillary shoot height or length or size
- Primary and axillary shoot shape
- Primary branch architecture or shape
- Primary branch orientation
- Primary shoot architecture or arrangement
- Primary shoot course
- Primary shoot fragility
- Primary shoot growth form or orientation
- Primary shoot length or size
- Primary shoot orientation
- Primary shoot orientation or shape
- Primary shoot pubescence
- Primary shoot shape
- Primary-stem
- Primary-stem shape
- Proximal branch arrangement
- Proximal branch growth form or orientation
- Proximal branch length
- Proximal branch orientation
- Proximal branch prominence
- Proximal branch pubescence
- Proximal branch shape
- Proximal branch some measurement
- Proximal tubercle character
- Proximal tubercle length
- Proximal tubercle length or size
- Pseudobulb
- Rhizome
- Rhizome architecture
- Rhizome architecture or pubescence
- Rhizome coloration
- Rhizome depth
- Rhizome development
- Rhizome diameter
- Rhizome duration
- Rhizome fragility
- Rhizome fragility or size
- Rhizome fusion or position relational
- Rhizome growth form
- Rhizome growth form or orientation
- Rhizome height or length or size
- Rhizome length or size
- Rhizome life cycle
- Rhizome location
- Rhizome orientation
- Rhizome presence
- Rhizome reproduction
- Rhizome shape
- Rhizome size
- Rhizome size or width
- Rhizome some measurement
- Rhizome texture
- Rhizome width
- Rhizophore
- Rhizophore count
- Rhizophore diam
- Rhizophore diameter
- Rhizophore fragility or size
- Rhizophore growth form
- Rhizophore location
- Rhizophore position
- Rhizophore shape
- Runner
- Shoot
- Shoot architecture
- Shoot architecture or arrangement
- Shoot arrangement
- Shoot arrangement or growth form
- Shoot atypical count
- Shoot atypical quantity
- Shoot atypical some measurement
- Shoot behavior
- Shoot coloration
- Shoot count
- Shoot derivation
- Shoot development
- Shoot diameter
- Shoot duration
- Shoot fixation or orientation
- Shoot fragility
- Shoot growth form
- Shoot growth form or orientation
- Shoot height or length or size
- Shoot length
- Shoot life cycle
- Shoot location
- Shoot orientation
- Shoot position or structure subtype
- Shoot prominence
- Shoot pubescence
- Shoot quantity
- Shoot reproduction
- Shoot season
- Shoot shape
- Shoot size
- Shoot size or quantity
- Shoot some measurement
- Shoot width
- Shorter branch arrangement or growth form
- Shorter branch count
- Side branch height or length or size
- Slender rhizome coloration
- Slender rhizome height or length or size
- Slender rhizome texture
- Slender rhizome thickness
- Sporophore branch architecture or shape
- Sporophore branch count
- Spur branch arrangement
- Spur shoot height or length or size
- Spur shoot shape
- Stem tubercle some measurement
- Stems
- Stems tuber location
- Stigma branch variability
S cont.
- Stolon
- Stolon architecture
- Stolon arrangement
- Stolon atypical some measurement
- Stolon count
- Stolon development
- Stolon growth form
- Stolon growth form or orientation
- Stolon height or length or size
- Stolon location
- Stolon presence
- Stolon pubescence
- Stolon shape
- Stolon size
- Stolon some measurement
- Stolon texture
- Storage tuber shape
- Style-branch
- Style-branch count
- Style-branch height or length or size
- Style-branch length
- Style-branch orientation
- Style-branch quantity
- Subtending branch reproduction
- Sympodium
- Terminal branch orientation
- Terminal branchlet architecture
- Trunk
- Trunk architecture
- Trunk architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Trunk architecture or course
- Trunk architecture or shape
- Trunk architecture or texture
- Trunk arrangement
- Trunk arrangement or shape
- Trunk count
- Trunk course
- Trunk course or orientation
- Trunk development
- Trunk diameter
- Trunk function
- Trunk growth form
- Trunk height
- Trunk height or length or size
- Trunk heights
- Trunk life cycle
- Trunk orientation
- Trunk prominence
- Trunk quantity
- Trunk shape
- Trunk size
- Trunk some measurement
- Tuber
- Tuber architecture
- Tuber architecture or shape
- Tuber arrangement
- Tuber count
- Tuber diameter
- Tuber fragility
- Tuber length
- Tuber location
- Tuber orientation
- Tuber position
- Tuber shape
- Tuber some measurement
- Tuber width
- Tubercle
- Tubercle architecture
- Tubercle architecture or course
- Tubercle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Tubercle architecture or shape
- Tubercle arrangement
- Tubercle arrangement or course or shape
- Tubercle arrangement or shape
- Tubercle atypical length
- Tubercle atypical some measurement
- Tubercle atypical width
- Tubercle coloration
- Tubercle condition
- Tubercle count
- Tubercle density
- Tubercle diameter
- Tubercle fragility
- Tubercle fusion
- Tubercle height
- Tubercle height or length or size
- Tubercle l w ratio
- Tubercle length
- Tubercle length or size
- Tubercle orientation
- Tubercle position
- Tubercle position relational
- Tubercle presence
- Tubercle prominence
- Tubercle pubescence
- Tubercle pubescence or texture
- Tubercle relief
- Tubercle reproduction
- Tubercle shape
- Tubercle size
- Tubercle size or width
- Tubercle some measurement
- Tubercle texture
- Tubercle variability
- Tubercle width
- Twig
- Twig architecture
- Twig architecture or function or pubescence
- Twig architecture or pubescence
- Twig architecture or pubescence or relief
- Twig architecture or shape
- Twig arrangement
- Twig character
- Twig coating
- Twig coloration
- Twig count
- Twig course
- Twig density
- Twig depth
- Twig diameter
- Twig duration
- Twig fragility
- Twig fragility or size
- Twig height or length or size
- Twig life cycle
- Twig odor
- Twig orientation
- Twig pubescence
- Twig pubescence or relief
- Twig reflectance
- Twig relief
- Twig relief or texture
- Twig shape
- Twig size
- Twig some measurement
- Twig taste
- Twig texture
- Twig variability
- Twig wintergreen
Parts of stem
- Areola
- Areola length or size
- Areola shape
- Areolar
- Areolar count
- Areolar height or length or size
- Areolar prominence
- Axil
- Axil architecture
- Axil height or length or size
- Axil length
- Axil length or size
- Axil pubescence
- Bark
- Bark architecture
- Bark architecture or dehiscence
- Bark architecture or pubescence
- Bark architecture or pubescence or relief
- Bark arrangement
- Bark coating
- Bark coloration
- Bark coloration or density
- Bark condition
- Bark condition or fragility
- Bark count
- Bark depth
- Bark development
- Bark duration
- Bark fragility
- Bark life cycle
- Bark odor
- Bark prominence or shape
- Bark pubescence
- Bark pubescence or architecture
- Bark pubescence or relief
- Bark pubescence or texture
- Bark reflectance
- Bark relief
- Bark relief or texture
- Bark shape
- Bark size
B cont.
- Bark size or width
- Bark texture
- Bark thickness
- Bark width
- Basal node atypical some measurement
- Basal node location
- Basal node some measurement
- Bud-scale-scar
- Bud-scale-scar prominence
- Bud-scale-scar shape
- Caudex
- Caudex architecture
- Caudex development
- Caudex fragility or size
- Caudex height or length or size
- Caudex length or size
- Caudex location
- Caudex orientation
- Caudex quantity
- Caudex shape
- Caudex size
- Caudex some measurement
- Caudex texture
- Caudex thickness
- Caudex width
- Caudices
- Corm
I cont.
- Internode length
- Internode length or size
- Internode orientation
- Internode position
- Internode prominence
- Internode pubescence
- Internode shape
- Internode some measurement
- Internode variability
- Internode width
- Node
- Node atypical quantity
- Node character
- Node count
- Node fusion
- Node life cycle
- Node position
- Node pubescence
- Node quantity
- Node shape
- Nodule
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Areola +
- Areola length or size +
- Areola shape +
- Areolar +
- Areolar count +
- Areolar height or length or size +
- Areolar prominence +
- Axil +
- Axil architecture +
- Axil height or length or size +
- Axil length +
- Axil length or size +
- Axil pubescence +
- Axillary shoot height or length or size +
- Axillary shoot shape +
- Axillary tuber arrangement or growth form +
- Axillary tuber count +
- Axillary tuber some measurement +